Food, family, and fitness... all with a bit of style.

Friday Favorites June 7th

  Happy Friday friends! I hope you had a great first week of June! It was a busy one here at work and the kids are wrapping up their last full week of school today. Bring on Summer Vacation! As always, I am linking up with Andrea & Erika for a little Friday Favorites. A peek into a few of my favorite things from the week. 

Last weekend we had the best time! We saw two of our favorites in concert, and enjoyed some much needed time away. I shared all the fun from our weekend in Pittsburgh on the blog. You can read about it here

So I have shared before that I have made a conscious effort this year to include some different vitamins and supplements as I try to live my healthiest life. My journey with plant based wellness has been such an integral part of how great I feel this year.  I shared more about it in this post.

  I got my delivery this week and it is for sure a favorite.  Using it  consistently has helped me so much in this season of life.  I have truly never felt better. I would love to share more with you if you are curious. You can send me a message on Instagram or send an email to

My next favorite in feeling great everyday is electrolytes. I think we all know that hydration is pretty important. And I have noticed a pretty big difference in drinking this consistently for the past six months. I drink it first thing in the morning, and it has me feeling awake and energized throughout the day.
I love the watermelon and the  variety pack.

On Monday, I shared the details on this amazing salmon recipe! I think it’s a perfect summer recipe to use up all the zucchini that grows in Summer! You can see all the details here

We got our first batch of cherries last weekend and gosh they tasted as good as they looked!!!! This pretty bowl did not last long in our house!

Summer grilling is a favorite and this is such a simple way to grill asparagus. I make a little "pan" out of heavy duty foil and add asparagus in a single layer. I drizzle with olive oil and season pretty simply with salt, pepper and garlic powder. I place the "foil pan" right on the grill and they cook in about 10 minutes. I add a few lemon slices the last few minutes. So simple, but delicious and an easy clean up!

Luke is not always up for shopping, but I got the chance for a little time with him this week to get some new golf gear. He has become a bit golf obsessed and is always looking to get out on the course. He had a few gift cards from this birthday so we upgraded his bag and he got some new golf shoes. 

He closes out the volleyball season this weekend, with their last tournament. Looking forward to seeing some good volleyball from my libero this weekend!

We also have Ella starting her first job tonight! She is working at a great local Summer spot and she is so excited to get started!

Wishing you the best weekend friends!
 See you on Monday, there is always room for one more at our family table.
1 comment on "Friday Favorites June 7th"
  1. The concert sounds like great fun and it sounds like the vitamins and supplements are really helping.
    That salmon looks so good, I always think anything salmon is great for the summer.
    Good luck to Ella with the new job.


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