Food, family, and fitness... all with a bit of style.

Show & Tell Tuesday..... Favorite Posts of the Year!

Hello friends!! What the heck day is it???  We have just had the merriest three days.... filled with all the holiday fun we could pack in. And I have definitely eaten more cookies than veggies! 
We had the best Christmas & I can't wait to share some of our fun with you later this week. 
Image may contain: 11 people, people smiling, people standing and indoor
But for today, I am linking up with  Andrea for the last Show & Tell Tuesday of the year. And it's a fun one. Sharing my favorite posts of the year!!

This has been such a fun year..... how to decide???? So here we favorite 5 posts of 2017. And by favorite I mean my favorite to write!
It was fun to write and ended up being  57 random facts. Why 57? Because....well... that's where I stopped!
I love to plan a good party & this year when Ella requested a  Fixer Upper themed birthday, I was up for the challenge! It was a super fun party to plan and I loved  sharing all the details.
And then the week of her party they cancelled the show!!!
I also loved sharing  Luke's Lego party. 
So I am counting that in my number 4 too.
March 21 celebrates  World Down Syndrome Day & I took that day to write a bit about what that means to me. 
I shared lots about my sister Emma & it was  such a fun post write about someone that means so much to me and my family.
And as a result of that post, I met sweetest little girl & her mama. So in October  I shared about my sweet friend Shea.
I guess that's my  favorite post #3.5😉 Or maybe I should have said this is my favorite 7 posts of the year!
I had two very special guest bloggers this year! Ella shared  her  book review here on the blog.
And then the next week, Luke shared  his book review.
I love that they are such avid readers! They know I share my book reviews each month and each asked to share theirs too!
My favorite post to write this year was my  one year blogaversary post. I had no idea where this little blog would take me or if I would stick with it a year ago. 
It was fun to look back at all my posts over the last year and  recap the highlights in one little post!
Gosh it has been a fun year!!
Now if you have ham left over from your Christmas dinner or brunch, this is my family's favorite recipe to use it all up....
We will see you tomorrow.... sharing some Christmas fun!
There's always room for one more at our family table.
P.S. If you missed any posts earlier this year..... here are some of our other Show & Tell posts...
Christmas Decor
Want, Need, Wear, Read
1 comment on "Show & Tell Tuesday..... Favorite Posts of the Year!"
  1. Such fun features! I am going to have to check out those party posts!


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