Food, family, and fitness... all with a bit of style.

Weekend Wrap Up....Winter Wonderland Edition

Happy Tuesday friends! The kids and I had a fun weekend filled with lots of snow and some of our favorite holiday traditions! 
The kids' weekend started a little early due to this.....

We got lots of snow Thursday afternoon and into the night. They had a blast playing in it with their friends! 
It's hard to tell from this picture, but they were really excited to have a Snow Day on Friday!
The truth is, I had to get to work, so I had to wake them up early and get them to my parents. They wanted to sleep in and have a lazy morning with the dog. 
But this dog just wants to be in the snow. She absolutely loves the snow! 
Saturday morning I dropped Paul at the airport, as he was off to visit his parents for a long weekend and I got a little shopping & wrapping done.
Ella & I watched Luke play in his basketball game Saturday afternoon. 
And Saturday  night the kids and I put on some holiday shirts and went out for dinner and some shopping.  
I think Luke bought everyone a book for Christmas this year! I love watching them pick out gifts for people...and it's even sweeter when they use their own money to buy gifts😉 
Sunday morning we went out for cocoa and donuts..... our Christmas PJs! 
And then the snow started to fall again. Thank goodness Luke filled in for Paul and kept our walkway clear! 
We had lots of friends coming over for our Annual Gingerbread Party! And the snow made for a really pretty setting. It was walking though a Winter Wonderland to the party!
It was such a fun afternoon!! I'll share all the fun details later this week.
And the snow kept falling.... 
....which made for a pretty picture. But Luke was stuck at my parents' house! The roads were just too bad to go out to get him, so he got a bonus sleeepover! 
It was a fun weekend in our Winter Wonderland!!
See you tomorrow, there's always room for one more at our family table. 

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