Food, family, and fitness... all with a bit of style.

What's Up Wednesday.....December Edition

Happy Wednesday friends....and oh my goodness....
Image result for 5 days till christmas
EEKS!!!  So exciting!!! Today I am linking up with ShayMel and Sheaffer for What's Up Wednesday....December Edition. 

 A fun monthly post where we answer these questions....

What we're eating this week......
Well I did a meal plan, but with my birthday on Monday and a cookie exchange tonight.... I may have been guilty of Coconut Cream Pie for breakfast!
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If you are looking for something a little healthier to feed your family, you can check out our weekly meal plan here.
What I'm reminiscing about.......
Our Gingerbread Party a few weeks ago. Always a favorite tradition.
I shared all the sweet details here.

What I'm loving.....
I was loving all the snow!!!

What we've been up to......
All the Christmas things!!!
I shared a little life lately last week.
What I'm dreading....

What I'm working on......
Not much!

What I'm excited about......
Besides the obvious Christmas, I am really looking forward to our vacation in February. We are ready for a break from the snow and cold and have fun visiting Paul's parents in Florida.
Last year we took a side trip to Hilton Head and just loved it!

What I'm watching/reading.....
Christmas movies & cookie recipes!

What I'm listening to......
Christmas music & Christmas music.

What I'm wearing......
Cozy PJs.....
Hats with pom-poms....
And my birthday crown! Ha!
Image may contain: 1 person, smiling, standing, sitting and indoor
What I'm doing this weekend......
Um....hello...Christmas Eve!!
But not before a little caroling with our neighbors on Friday night.

What I'm looking forward to next month.....
Well as much as I love putting the Christmas up, I do love that day it comes down. A fresh clean house to start the new year!

What else is new.....
It's been a fun month of Christmas traditions and enjoying all the twinkle lights. And this crew surprised me with a little party for my 40th birthday.
Image may contain: 3 people, people smiling, child and indoor
Thanks for following along our What's Up Wednesday this year!!
I wish you and your families the Merriest Christmas!
See you soon....there's always room for one more at our family table.
2 comments on "What's Up Wednesday.....December Edition"
  1. Happy Belated Birthday! It looks like you've had a festive start to the Christmas season. I'm in the same boat with you on meal planning! Have a wonderful week-before-Christmas!

  2. Your winter wonderland looks like a dream! I love the gingerbread house making party. Fun for everyone. Your birthday crown is cute too!
    Rebecca @


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