Food, family, and fitness... all with a bit of style.

What's Up Wednesday....January Edition

Hi friends....well here we are, the last day in January! One whole month into 2018! Gosh that seems crazy, and yet Christmas feels like it was so long ago!
So excited to link up with ShayMel and Sheaffer for What's Up Wednesday....January Edition. 

 A fun monthly post where we answer these questions....

What we're eating this week......
Well one of my goals for this year was to eat more plant based meals. I have been trying lots of recipes and sharing one every Monday. This week I shared this favorite Carrot Soup.
Be sure to check back here every Monday.. I am sharing a new vegetarian meal idea each week.

What I'm reminiscing about.......
I mean, I am still reminiscing about all things Christmas.
I am sure I say it every year, but I feel like it just goes by so fast! And there is just something about twinkle lights.

What I'm loving.....
We have had a few recent days of sunshine and even most of our snow melted. (But as I fine tune this post, we got a fresh batch of snow last night and we are back to everything a winter wonderland).
I am loving getting to get some fresh air and feel that sunshine on my face (even if it's still cold!)

What we've been up to......
January has been pretty low key and I am liking it that way! Luke has had a lot of basketball games...
And Ella has been busy getting ready for her school play next month....and getting new dance shoes, since her feet keep growing! I kind of can't wait until we are the same size shoe...I feel like I will have lots of new footwear the latest styles of course.😉

What I'm dreading....
Nothing at the moment!

What I'm working on......
Getting ahead on some blogging. I usually spend a few hours on the weekends morning writing some blog posts. I am tyring to get a bit ahead before we are off on vacation.

What I'm excited about......
That vacation I just mentioned.

After a few months of cold, we are ready to make a visit to the Sunshine State!

What I'm watching/reading.....
I have to say we have not really watched much lately. We were all caught up on the series we were watching and haven't found anything new. And while I am talking about you watch Game to Thrones?? We have tried and just cannot get into it?!? We have tried the first three episodes and we are just not feeling it!
I shared my book review last week and really loved 2 of the 4 that I read. You can check out my book review here.
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I just started this one, which has been on my list forever!

What I'm listening to......
As always this one stumps me... just not a huge music person. I really enjoy quiet. Although I do love me some come Friday I assure you I will be listening to this....
Man of the Woods [CD] - Front_Standard

What I'm wearing......
I realized I have done an awful job document what I am wearing this month. Which is probably not a bad thing, since I feel like I have not worn anything too exciting. I get in a January's cold & dark and I think I wear black and grey everyday! I do however keep my nails looking are two of my favorite nail colors on repeat this month.
This one is called Bahama Mama.
Image result for bahama mama essie
This one is also favorite this time of year....Smokin' Hot 😉
Image result for smokin hot essie

What I'm doing this weekend......
Friday night we are heading to our local art museum to check out the latest exhibits. Then off to dinner in the city, something we don't do too often with the kids. Luke has basketball and we are getting together with friends for dinner on Saturday. Then the Superbowl on Sunday, where I have two little fans rooting for opposite teams.
Image may contain: 2 people
But that always seems to be the case! Luckily our local donut shop always makes sprinkle donuts with each team's colors!

What I'm looking forward to next month.....
Ella is performing in her class play and we cannot wait to see her on stage! She is a pirate dancer and has been practicing her lines, songs and dances nearly everyday!

What else is new.....
Not too  much, but if you missed yesterday's post, I shared some fun pictures from our stop to the the dead of Winter!

Bonus Question...What's your Favorite Soup recipe?
Oh gosh I just love soup this time of year!!! I cannot choose one, so I will share my favorite three.
That carrot one I mentioned earlier in this post? Yep.. a favorite.

 So many good flavors and the roasted topping is so, so good!
Next up is my Black Bean Soup. Full of flavor, creamy and I love topping it with plain greek yogurt, avocado, scallions, salsa, cheese, and whatever other goodness you want!
And last, my Turkey, Bean & Spinach soup is still the most read recipe on the blog.

It's a really versatile soup, one you could easily make substitutions with by adding roasted chicken or some noodles.
And that's a wrap for what's up here this last day of January!
See you tomorrow, sharing a yummy recipe for some sweet cookies.....there's always room for one more at our family table.

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1 comment on "What's Up Wednesday....January Edition"
  1. My daughter and I are almost the same shoe size! She does share some of my things already, and the ones that I bought too small by mistake! Florida in the winter is great. We just went for winter break!
