Food, family, and fitness... all with a bit of style.

A Day in the Life....Summer 2018

Hi friends!!! I took yesterday off from the blogging world, as we have had a busy few days! But I am back with one of my favorite posts... A Day in the Life! I have done a few of these over the past two years and I think they are so fun! I love to see what a day looks like for other people... am a I crazy?? Well if you are crazy like me, here is a little peek at my day.....
I documented a little of my day in photos last Thursday. I got up around 6am, let the dog out got some coffee and decided that I would document the day for "A Day in the Life" post. 

I got a new phone like 2 months ago and I just haven't changed my home or lock screen. Looking at it here, I realize I need to change that! After I got up, I spent some time with a cup of coffee and my laptop working on a blog post.
Then I headed to the basement for a quick workout before the kids got up. 
I headed upstairs and opened the kids door. They take a little bit to get moving, so I start with opening their door and then I came down to eat breakfast. I probably eat the same thing for breakfast 5 days a week, the other two I go with oatmeal. 
We were closing in on the last few days of school and activities, so I signed a lot of forms and wrote a lot of checks that morning! 
I got a few components of the lunches ready and my kids packed the rest! 
They got on the bus at 8:45 and I quickly got dressed and showered so I could run to the store.  Our fridge died the day before, so I had to be back for our 11-1 delivery window. I grabbed a few things - sushi for dinner (we had a busy night ahead), some more fruit, and a some Father's Day cards.
I kept busy while I waited four our delivery. I finished my 4th of July decor in our dining room.....
and then had a shake and folded some laundry. I actually love to fold laundry. Something about it I find therapeutic. Not a fan of putting it away, but I can fold like a champ! 
The fridge crew came around 12 and got this pretty new fridge in place. I love it!! 
Unfortunately our current water connection did not work with it, so I was off to Lowe's to get the right connection! 
I picked up my favorite sandwich on the way home and ate a quick lunch and jotted down a few things on my to do list. 
Before I knew it, it was 2:30pm and I had to go pick Ella up early at school. She had her dance rehearsal at 4 and we needed to get her ready in full hair and makeup.
While she wet her hair, I quickly packed up some quick dinners for all of us. We were leaving for dance at 3:45 and would not be home until after 9pm. Paul was running a race that night with a team from work, so I was solo.
Off to 5 hours of dance rehearsals with this girl! 
I watched her dance for a while..... 
and then took a break to take this guy to his game. He was such a trooper sitting through dance rehearsals, that I gave him a fun cookie as a treat before his game. 
He had a great game and I was so thankful for my friend (who also has a son on his team) for taking him after the game until we were done with dance.
A few more hours of dance......
and we finally got home, got everyone showered and in bed by 9:45. I poured myself a little glass of wine and sat down with my book and was asleep by 10:30!
There you have it... a peek at a random Thursday in my world!
Have a great day!
See you tomorrow...there's always room for one more at our family table. 

2 comments on "A Day in the Life....Summer 2018"
  1. I didn't know Wegmans had the little bags og organic apple slices :) now I am going to have to go look for them.did you buy then individually or a big bag of them with the small bags in it?

    1. A big bag with like 6-8 packs in them. They are usually in the section with precut fruit at my Wegmans :)


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