Food, family, and fitness... all with a bit of style.

School's Out Party!!!!

We are officially on Day 2 of Summer Vacation and we kicked it off with a bang! Ella & Luke had a half day of school on Tuesday, their last day so I thought it would be fun to have all the neighborhood kids get off at our house for an afternoon of fun. 
As I started to write down the kids in 5th grade or younger on our street, I realized our list was about 40 kids! Umm....what was I thinking??
Ella delivered flyers to everyone's mailboxes and we got RSVPs for about 30 kids.
The bus driver took the kids up the hill first and around the cul de sac before dropping them off at our house. They came off screaming and singing for Summer Vacation.

They dropped their backpacks and immediately started to organize a kickball game. The kids in our neighborhood are obsessed with kickball lately! 
We waited for a few other kids to arrive and headed to the backyard for lunch. It was a busy lunch table.....
I found the cutest Summer party decorations at our local Dollar Tree. I love getting party stuff there!
I had s classic Summer lunch with hot dogs, watermelon, chips and freeze pops!

The girls all picnicked on blankets under the tree.
And I don't think the boys sat down or sat still enough for a picture! They ate fast and went right back to kickball!
After lunch we did some three legged races....

I found this set of 6 "sacks" for racing at Party City for around $7. They were great and I can't wait to use them again for a Summer party!
Then it was time for the highly anticipated water balloon toss/war. I got the bunch o balloons and they are literally the best invention ever and worth every penny!
We started with a toss and then it was an all out war!
We went through about 450 balloons in like 6 minutes!!! One of the kids got me all over my back and I retaliated with the hose which the kids all loved!!!
It was such a fun way to kick off Summer!!!!
Have the best day friends!
See you tomorrow for Friday Favorites...there's always room for one more at our family table.
p.s. Moms out there planning a kid party....2 hours the sweet spot. Three hours is pushing your luck😉

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