Food, family, and fitness... all with a bit of style.

Friday Favorites... TGIF Edition

Thank goodness it is Friday!! This was a long week. Not sure why, but it felt like it was extra long! I am ready for the weekend and a night out with some good friends at a country concert tonight!! The weather looks perfect and I am so pumped for the first concert of the Summer!!!
As always, I am linking up with three of my favorite blogging friends, ErikaNarci & Andrea to share a few of my favorites from this week. 

The countdown is on to Summer Vacation for my crew! They have 7 more school days left!! And they are counting down!
This pic was on Monday, celebrating 12 more days!

We had a family favorite recipe this week and made my Grilled Salmon Tacos!
I mean grilled salmon, grilled corn and grilled pineapple... yes please!
 You can grab the recipe  here.

I shared my  book review this week and......wait for it... I really liked all 5 books I read! YAY!!  I just love when that happens!
Even better was I got to read a lot of those books outside!

This is probably more Paul's favorite than mine, but Ella wrote this in school.
Paul grew up boating, and to hear his daughter say that our family boat means that much,was like the highlight of his life!

The news of Kate Spade's death was shocking and heartbreaking to hear. And hearing the circumstances brings me to that quote I have often seen about being kind.....
Image result for be kind always quotes
My first designer bag purchase was a simple, black microfiber Kate Spade bag. I remember feeling like a real adult with that bag. I loved that purse and still have it in my closet. And I want to share my favorite Kate Spade bag with you today.
It is such a fun bag, probably 15 years old and I get compliments on it all the time. It is my favorite Summer accessory.

I pray that Kate has found her peace and that her family can find the same.

So remember... be kind....always.

See you on Monday, there's always room for one more at our family table.
6 comments on "Friday Favorites... TGIF Edition"
  1. Yay for almost summer break! We just enjoyed our first week of summer break and it has been so nice not having any place we "have" to be. Mmmmm grilled pineapple. I'll have to try that.
    Visiting from Friday favorites link up:)

    1. Yes, no where to be is such a nice feeling!! And yes the grilled pineapple is oh so good! Its delicious as a dessert with a little vanilla ice cream.
      Thanks for stopping by!

  2. Those tacos look amazing! Grilled pineapple is one of my favorite foods to be grilled! Glad you all are within reach of summer break!!! Have a fantastic time at your concert! - Shannon

    1. Thanks Shannon!! Yes grilled pineapple is oh so good!
      Happy Summmer!!!

  3. All good books and now I want TACOS!

    1. Yes...good books & tacos... sign me up!!
      Thanks for stopping by


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