Food, family, and fitness... all with a bit of style.

What's Up Wednesday...June Edition

Is this really the last few days of June???? Although it flew by, I am happy to say we kicked off Summer with lots of fun!! I am excited to link up with  ShayMel and Sheaffer for What's Up Wednesday....June Edition. 

 A fun monthly post where we answer these questions....

What we're eating this week......
We are still loving trying new recipes out each week, like these lettuce wraps.

and this Green Goddess Quinoa Salad

What I'm reminiscing about.......
Paul and I went to two fun Summer concerts this month and they were so much fun!
I love me some live country music in the Summer!

What I'm loving.....
I am loving a Summer schedule with no where to be!  We have been taking the mornings slow and planning some fun afternoons with friends or just hanging out. Maddie is all for the slow and easy pace!

What we've been up to......
We have been enjoying the first week of Summer vacation. We had a big school's out party for all the kids in the neighborhood on the last day of school!

It was the best way to kick off Summer!!! I shared some party details here.

What I'm dreading....
Nothing. This is my favorite time of year!!

What I'm working on......
Managing the snack situation!

What I'm excited about......
4th of July fun! I love watching our town parade and fireworks.

Cute little faces all in their red, white and blue is one of my favorites!

What I'm watching/reading.....
I have not been watching too much! Paul and I just finished Billions which we both really enjoyed.
Image result for billions images
As for reading, I am pretty much hooked on all the fluffy beach reads!!!
The Perfect Couple

What I'm listening to......
Boat music....Jimmy Buffett, Kenny Chesney, and our new favorite Chis Janson.
Image result for chris janson album cover

What I'm wearing......
All the shorts! I shared some of my favorite "shorts looks" in a fun post last week. Like this look...
Shorts    Tank   Sandals
and this one....

What I'm doing this weekend...... is playoff weekend for Luke's travel team, so we will be spending a lot of time at the ballpark.

Unless we lose, in that case we will be on the water😉

What I'm looking forward to next month.....
Our good friends are coming for a visit! They live in Maryland and visit us every July and it's a favorite part of our Summer!

And Paul & I are doing a Murder Mystery Dinner with friends. I have never done one and am excited to do see what it's all about!

What else is new.....
We have just been doing all the Summer things! It is our favorite time of year and we try to get in all the fun things! I did make a Summer favorite treat a few weeks ago. These Key Lime Pie Cupcakes are so, so good! Perfect for a Summer get together!
Key Lime Pie Cupcakes

That's a wrap on what's up in our house lately!! #allthesummerthings
See you soon....there's always room for one more at our family table.
2 comments on "What's Up Wednesday...June Edition"
  1. Those lettuce wraps look amazing!! I could eat those every night! I need to work on managing the snack situation for myself since I'm off for the summer! Those cupcakes look delicious too! - Shannon

  2. Those cupcakes look delicious and perfect for summer! Have a great week!


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