Food, family, and fitness... all with a bit of style.

A Little Life Lately

Hey friends!!! We have been loving the start of October, but totally confused as to what to wear with the weather. I think Luke's look sums it up.... no shirt, long pants, and a Winter hat.
I mean Tuesday it was 81 and Saturday is a high of 49??? CRAZY!

So aside from not knowing what to wear, here is a peek at what we have been up to lately!
We ended September celebrating Ella's 11th birthday for what felt like a week long celebration! We celebrated on her actual birthday and my parents and sister came over for cake.
Then the next night we went out for a "fancy" dinner to celebrate as a family.
The next day I took her and a few friends to an Escape Room and lunch at The Cheesecake Factory.
After lunch the girls wanted to "walk the mall". I was secretly super excited that they wanted to do that! It was "my thing" when I was that age and through high school. We loved hanging out at the mall.
They had the best time at Lush and the employees there were so nice to them. Sharing all the fun hand washes, lotions and lip scrubs... so girly and fun!
We wrapped up her birthday on Sunday with a family party and taco bar.
And I did my best to make a unicorn cake. 
Luke was looking extra handsome on his way to picture day at school.
And I love how the dog sits with him at breakfast everyday.
They are best buds!
Ella was happy to spend her birthday money and picked out a new comforter.
I know this sounds crazy, but she loves changing her comforter every season. Her dream is to be an interior designer and she loves practicing her design skills in her bedroom.

Last weekend we met up with friends at an Oktoberfest in town and had so much fun! I mean the Germans know how to party! Fun music, good food and good friends. 
A pretzel the size of me?? Check!
Brats and Beer?? Check!
Music and Dancing? Check!
We officially love Oktoberfest!
It's been a fun start to October! 
We are heading out of town tomorrow for a family wedding. Ella and Luke are both in the wedding and I cannot wait to see them all dressed up😊
See you soon friends, there is always room for one more at our family table.
1 comment on "A Little Life Lately"
  1. How is the escape room at Galleria mall? I have walked by it and we have wanted to check it out.Isn't Lush the best? I love their stuff but so expensive.If you ever get to Cleveland stop at the Hofbrauhaus.I have been in the one in Munich and the one in Cleveland has amazing German food to


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