Food, family, and fitness... all with a bit of style.

Wedding Weekend Wrap Up!!!!

Hey friends, we had a great time at a family wedding last weekend. Paul's cousin, Justin got married and Ella & Luke got to be a part of the special day. There is just something so fun about family weddings!Here is a peek at all the fun we had......
Warning... lots of pictures ahead!
We headed out Friday morning to Canandaigua Lake. The bride is from Texas, the groom from Florida,but they both love the Finger Lake region and picked a gorgeous spot to be married. The ceremony and reception were at Bristol Harbour and it was just perfection!
Friday night we started out with rehearsal dinner and the kids were great helpers, getting everyone to their seats. 
Luke was happy to hang with "the guys"😉 
Ella got a beautiful pearl bracelet as a special gift for being in the wedding.
And Luke got a bow tie...custom made by the groom out of duck feathers. It is the best tie I have ever seen!
No Polish wedding is complete without these crazy hats. Paul's Aunt Shirley made him one at our rehearsal dinner too!! The hat is to bless with a long, happy marriage....I think?
Saturday was the big day! We stayed adjacent to the venue at a great townhouse we shared with Paul's parents. Lots of space and close was perfect!
Ella was getting ready and my gosh she looked so grown up..... 
For a kid that lives in shorts and jerseys, he sure does love to put on a suit! 
Ella's dress was stunning and she was a trooper. It was about 45 degrees and felt more like 35 with the wind. She had a little sweater, but loved her dress so much she did not want to cover it up. I mean, I think most girls have done that! 
Love this girl of mine! 
Justin made the letters at then entrance, along with so many other details. He is truly talented! 
Showing off the rings before going in his pocket for safe keeping. 
The kids did a great job helping little Ellie down the aisle. Luke's hand never left his pocket, for fear of losing the rings!
Despite the cold, it was a beautiful ceremony. 
We braved the cold a while longer for lots of family pictures.

Paul's parents showing some personality with their 5 grandkids!
Inside to warm up for the reception. Simple, beautiful details.
Instead of cake, they had pies. The Finger Lakes region is known for pies, so they had a few varieties. They were all on cake stands made by the groom. 
My kids sure knew how to make an entrance! They were loving being introduced at the reception.

And I have never tried to share a video on the blog, so not sure it will work. Hoping it sure will bring a smile to your face.
Oh this boy..... 
He never left the dance floor..... 

Actually none of us did!
The end of the night brought the cutest little s'mores kits. 
And a farewell to the beautiful Mr &Mrs. 
We stopped by the next morning for brunch and to take in the view one more time.  
Then back home with a pretty new addition to our kitchen table 
We had the best weekend!
See you soon, there is always room for one more at our family table. 

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