Food, family, and fitness... all with a bit of style.

Friday Favorites....Bringing in Fall Edition

Happy Friday friends! Gosh this week just seemed to fly by! But I am ok with that...ready for a beautiful Fall weekend. As always, I am linking up with some of my favorite blogging friends, AndreaNarci, and Erika to share my favorites! Five things that made me happy this week!

My kiddos had picture day at school. I took this pic before they left & I think the picture people can just cancel my order, because I love this one.
Our guy was so brave yesterday. He had to have some surgery yesterday and he did great. He was cracking himself up before he went in.....he finds fun in every situation.
Still it's always tough to see your baby go through anything like that.
Everything went well. He needs to lay low for a few weeks and then he will be back in action!
Yesterday I linked up with The Blended Blog to answer 20 Questions about Fall.  I love all things Fall, especially pumpkins!
Feeling Fall-ish, I finished putting some Fall touches around the house last weekend.
Pumpkins sure do make me happy!
We snuck in our final boat ride on Tuesday night. It was a beautiful night with an amazing sunset.
A pretty great start to October!
Looking forward to a low key weekend. Luke needs lots of rest, so reading, movies and some football watching are on our agenda!
Have the best weekend friends. See you on Monday, there's always room for one more at our family table.

4 comments on "Friday Favorites....Bringing in Fall Edition"
  1. Hope your son feels well soon-what a brave boy! I love your Halloween display!!

  2. How cute is your home? I love all those decorations. What a brave boy you have, I hope he feels better soon!


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