Food, family, and fitness... all with a bit of style.

Fun with Halloween Food

It's no secret that I love a good theme. I think it is so fun to plan your food around some kind of theme. So for Halloween I go all out.
Who wouldn't love some "Candy Corn Waffles".  Not with actual candy corn....they just look like it! I use a box pancake mix. I love this one pictured below. I know all of the ingredients and they are loaded with protein which is a great way to start off the day.

I make the batter (adding in a splash of vanilla extract) and separate into three dishes. I leave one as is, and use food coloring to make one yellow and one orange. Once the waffle maker is preheated, put a circle of white in the middle, then circle with orange and then yellow.  Slice the waffle into quarters and each piece will resemble candy corn!
I serve them with ghost milk. Use a little chocolate syrup to make a ghost face inside the glass and fill with milk!
Now this breakfast may not always happen on Halloween. Like this year Halloween falls on a Tuesday & that's crazy to pul
I always make a fun lunch for my kiddos for Halloween. Usually I just cut their sandwich into shapes & add some treats that might not normally be in there.
These are some simple ideas to make lunch a little more spooky.
1. I use my pumpkin and ghost cutter for their sandwiches.
2. I used mini cutters for cheese.
3. Plastic spiders are always fun!
4. Peel a clementine and add a stem- you can use a piece of pepper, celery or in this case I put a green candy!
5. My kids always take water for lunch in their reusable bottles, but for fun I put disposable bottles in and make a Halloween label for them.
6. Halloween pretzels in monster packaging.
7. Or add some gummy worms to their pretzels.
8. A ghost peep.. I put it on stick!
9. Halloween napkin 
Now to fill those bellies with dinner before Trick or Treating. 
It's a busy time leading up to Trick or Treating, so I keep the meal simple! 
I made this Frankenstein salad a few years ago and loved it. I arranged some salad greens on a square platter and laid black olives along the top for his "hair". I used a hard-boiled egg cut in half, along with some olive slices for the eyes. You can use whatever veggies you have on hand for the mouth & ears. You can make this earlier in the day and it's such a fun way to eat a salad!
We have also done this meal of Mummy Pizzas, Witch Fingers, and Vampire Teeth. I use thin sliced cheese cut into strips to make the mummy wrap and olive slices for the eyes. After steaming the asparagus, I lay the spears on a platter and top with some almond halves. The "vampire teeth" are made using apple slices, peanut butter and yogurt raisins. You could also use mini marshmallows or almonds for the teeth. 
We have also done the "Mummy Dogs"....the kids really love those. 
Last year I made some "bones" with roasted cauliflower.
And we always serve our Halloween dinner with "Bug Juice". I  freeze some plastic bugs/spiders in an ice cube tray and then add into a pitcher of lemonade. I add in a few drops of food coloring to make it some crazy color too, usually purple or green.
And my last fun Halloween food idea is to stage a Halloween Baking War for Ella & Luke. They love watching that on Food Network every year. 
I usually get some pre-made skeleton cookies and bake some vanilla cupcakes I give them frosting, sprinkles, gummies and let them do their thing!
They usually come up with some scary creations!
They have a blast doing this and usually go all out when they "present" what they have made.
Here's to a fun Halloween season! We are looking forward to pumpkin carving, seed roasting and a little Halloween baking. See you soon....there's always room for one more at our family table!

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