Food, family, and fitness... all with a bit of style.

A Little Life Lately......

Happy Thursday friends! I have not done a weekend wrap up in a bit, so I though I would share a little bit of life lately around this house.
We have had a beautiful start to Fall and have been enjoying the warmer weather outside as much as we can! 

We got to sneak in one last October boat ride before we put the boat in storage for the winter.
There is just something about the sunsets over the lake in early Fall. It is one of my favorites. 
Luke had surgery earlier this month and handled it like a champ! He is such a happy kid and was making the most of his time at the hospital...
You would never know he was heading into surgery....not a care in the world! Everything went well and he is back at school, but has another week of taking it easy. That means no sports, gym, or recess. That part has by far been the hardest part! This kid loves to play and run around. Thankfully he also loves to read and color....and has a furry friend to keep him company.
My Ella has been busy! She loves to be involved and really has a great way of balancing it. She is very organized and loves having a busy schedule.
She is dancing, playing soccer, playing intramurals, singing in the school chorus, and playing violin in the school orchestra. She leaves each morning with a big smile on her face.
Last weekend we headed to down to Ellicottville, one of our favorite fall spots to grab some pumpkins and take in the beautiful Fall colors.
Who are these big kids in the pumpkin patch?? Where did my chubby cheeked babes go??
These three.....
 I have been trying lots of new Fall inspired recipes and can't wait to share some in our weekly meal plan. I love looking through magazines, cookbooks and websites for menu inspiration. 
These are some recent favs....I'll be sharing the recipes soon!
Paul has been busy fixing everything that has broken in the house this month! No hot water in our master shower, our refrigerator (the garage one) died, and then Wednesday we had water leaking in from the window over the fireplace. I was extra thankful for my mechanical engineer hubby, he has a keen sense of how to fix things. But he is pretty much over fixing things now 😉
We are looking forward to all things Halloween for the rest of this month! One of my favorite things is fun with Halloween food. I shared some of my favorite Halloween inspired meals here yesterday.
You can catch up  here if you missed it.
And that wraps up a little bit of life lately around here.
See you tomorrow for Friday favorites. There's always room for one more at our family table.

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