Food, family, and fitness... all with a bit of style.

Show & Tell Tuesday......A Day in the Life

I am so excited to link up with Andrea over at Momfessionals for Show & Tell Tuesday. Today's topic... A Day in the Life.
So I have read some other bloggers day in the life posts and thought I would give you a sneak peek at a day in my life. Some of you may find this post boring....others (like me) find it interesting to look at what happens in the world of others. 
As I documented my day I realized two things. One, my everyday life is really not very exciting. And two, I eat quite a bit of my meals in the car.
This was last Wednesday.
My alarm goes off, and honestly I struggled a bit, so 4:17 was more like my actual wake time.
I had an early work schedule and travel, so I needed to be on the road no later than 5am.
It's time for coffee, breakfast and heading out the door. I usually spend an hour and a half on some office work before I hit the road, but this morning I had to be off extra early so I took it all to go. I prepped everything I needed the night before, including the kids' lunch stuff.
On the road! My mom comes out to help get the kids on the bus....would be lost without her!
I am like a travelling bag lady with lots of drinks.
So from 7-4 my life is not too exciting. I am out visiting my reps and checking in on our accounts. I spend a lot of time in the car, whether it's travelling or taking conference calls, so I bring enough food and water to get me though the day!
I was in the car returning phone calls and had my mid- morning snack. Plain Greek yogurt mixed with a little peanut butter and cinnamon.
And a clementine, because I have been obesessed with those lately.
In the car returning emails and eating lunch.
I take a salad pretty much every day. 
I get home just as the kids are getting off the bus.....and some days I am right behind the bus! 
Always thankful for my sweet neighbors who help me out when I am running behind schedule.
The kids help feed the dog and let her out.
They unpacked their bags, ate a snack and went outside to play for a bit. 
I made some tea and grabbed a handful of chocolate almonds.
I dropped these two off at religion. They have religion for an hour and normally Ella goes right to soccer practice. I pulled into the church parking lot, I got a notification that it was cancelled due to rain and I kind of did a happy dance!
I spent the next hour or so following up on emails and phone calls. I usually try to get my thoughts together for work the next day.
I got dinner together. I try to prep most stuff on Sunday so that we can get it together quickly.
I also plan out our meals for the week. I share our meal plan every Monday. You can check out this week's here.
I made a really easy sheet pan supper. Sweet potatoes, apple chicken sausage and broccoli. One pan and done! 
I will share that recipe here soon.
Paul took care of the dishes, while I threw in some laundry and checked through school notes. Paul does the dishes everynight....YAY!
My crew went outside to was a beautiful night.
And I got my workout in, then everyone came inside and got ice cream.
So I snuck a little dish too...and Maddie was jealous.
Kids got in their showers and I got in some blogging. I try to keep a few days ahead with my blog posts, and schedule them to automatically post each morning.Then I finished cleaning up the kitchen and setting the coffee maker for the next day.
We all headed upstairs.  Kiddos brushed their teeth & picked their book for the night. I joined Ella for her 20 minutes of reading.
I kissed everyone good night and headed to my bedroom. Paul and I watched one of our new favorite shows...Power, and then a little of the 10:00 news
Lights out!
And there you have it. The oh so exciting look inside a day in our life! I love reading these posts and can't wait to read some others out there.

If you missed any posts earlier this year..... here are some of our other Show & Tell posts...
Steal & Splurge
See you tomorrow for Workin' It Wednesday, there's always room for one more at our family table.
2 comments on "Show & Tell Tuesday......A Day in the Life"
  1. I love taking a peek into each other's daily lives too! I've never thought about how much planning and hauling all the things would be required for traveling a lot for work, you look to do a fantastic job though! And dinner looks yummy, I'll be waiting for that recipe to add to our meal plan ;)

  2. Me too Rachelle! Yes...some days are crazier than others for sure. Thanks for stopping by!


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