Food, family, and fitness... all with a bit of style.

Friday Favorites....

Happy, Happy Friday friends!!! We are in full fledged Fall mode over here after a trip to the pumpkin patch, a little cooler weather and the kids choosing their costumes! So I am linking up with some of my favorite blogging friends, AndreaNarci, and Erika for Friday Favorites.
A super-sized list of my favorites....mostly Fall inspired things from the week!

This week I blogged about an amazing organization...Changing the Face of Beauty. And got to spend time with my sweet new friend Shea. I mean, she is the most adorable little girl. And look at those leggings!!💗
Check out her story's sure to bring a smile to your Friday.
So Luke lives in sports clothes.....all day, everyday. It can be a challenge to get him to wear "non- sports" attire to go to church or out to dinner. He refers to khakis as his "old-man"pants. I asked him Sunday morning to dress in something nicer for church and he went all out and came down with his navy blazer on.
He was loving his look, so I had to snap a pic. He got lots of compliments at church about how sharp he looked....he was loving that too!
Last Saturday we spent the day in Ellicottville. It was a beautiful Fall day! We took the ski lift to the top and it was such a pretty ride.
We made a stop in Pumpkinville to grab our pumpkins. I love getting a pic of the kids with pumpkins each year. This pic I feel like...Who are these big kids? Where are my little kids?? Sniff 
I shared a little of our life lately yesterday  here
I love Polar seltzers. And I get all kinds of excited when I see new flavors each season. I grabbed these last weekend and they were the perfect hint of fall flavors in my water!
Everything I love about Fall in one pic....leaves on the ground, plaid, vest, booties and PSL.....only thing missing is a cozy scarf.
This weekend we are getting in our Halloween spirit with the Halloween dance at the kids' school. I love to have fun with Halloween food!
I shared some of my tips here on Wednesday.
Speaking of Halloween food, I made pumpkin waffles on Sunday morning. They were pretty amazing.
I just added a cup of pureed pumpkin to my pancake batter, along with 1 TSP of cinnamon and 1/2 TSP of nutmeg. I did add a little water to thin out the batter, the pumpkin made it pretty thick. We topped them with real maple syrup, a little whipped cream and more cinnamon. So, so good & the house smelled amazing!
We have got the Halloween Dance tonight and a little soccer on Saturday. Have the best weekend friends!
See you on Monday.....there's always room for one more at our family table.

2 comments on "Friday Favorites...."
  1. I hear you on the big kids!! I will have to try your pumpkin waffle idea--sounds so yummy. Have a great weekend!

  2. I love your fall pictures, and your fall outfit! My son loves all the sports clothes as well, and this year he finally found a pair of jeans that he likes. Of course they were from the Buckle... but at least they aren't Under Armor sweatpants! Yay, happy Mama, here! :) Hope you have a good weekend!


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