Food, family, and fitness... all with a bit of style.

Show & Tell Tuesday.....Favorite Holiday

Hey, hey Tuesday! I am linking up with Andrea over at Momfessionals for Show & Tell Tuesday. Today's topic is going to give me all the feels......Favorite Holiday!!!
Hands down it is Christmas. And come next Wednesday, this will be me.
I have always loved every single part of the Christmas season. The music, the baking, the shopping, the elf, the gifts, the giving, the magic of all of it. I loved Christmas growing up. My parents made it magical for us every year and I have memories of big family Christmas gatherings.
I love making these same memories with my crew. I love that we have lots of favorite Christmas Traditions.
 Here are a few reasons why Christmas is my favorite!!
I love to decorate the house. I love twinkle lights, red bows and snowmen. I shared some of my Christmas decor last year. You can check it out  here.
There is nothing better than family movie night in December! So many great Christmas classics we watch every year. 
Paul & I watch this one every year on Christmas Eve after the kiddos go to bed.
Cute Christmas PJS.....enough said.
Taking our photo for our Christmas card & getting all of them in the mail. I love seeing everyone's kiddos each Christmas!
The arrival of Percy, our elf and all his shenanigans!!!
Christmas Caroling. The neighborhood kids go caroling each year. It is just the sweetest we finish with cookies and hot cocoa!
Our annual Gingerbread party. Every year Ella & I host a gingerbread decorating party with our friends and their daughters. It is my most favorite tradition. You can check out lots of pics and detail from last year's party  here.
As part of our party each year, we adopt a family in need. We send out their wish list to our friends and everyone that comes to the party brings gifts for the family. Then I take my two to go deliver the gifts and make their Christmas a bit brighter.
I just love all the magic that Christmas brings. This is my favorite pic from last year on Christmas morning.....magical!
If you missed any posts earlier this year..... here are some of our other Show & Tell posts...
Steal & Splurge
And here is what is coming up later this year....

See you tomorrow for What's Up Wednesday, there's always room for one more at our family table.
1 comment on "Show & Tell Tuesday.....Favorite Holiday"
  1. This was such a fun link up! Christmas is my favorite too!
    Your decorations look gorgeous, those matching PJ's are adorable, and I love that your neighborhood kids go caroling! Oh, and can I get an invite to your gingerbread party? It looks like so much fun!


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