Food, family, and fitness... all with a bit of style.

Workin' It Wednesday...New Year's Goals

Last year I linked up with Shay & Erika for Stranded....a fun monthly post talking about things we might bring if stranded on a deserted island. If you missed those you can catch up here....
This year they are switching things up and introducing a new monthly link up...Workin' It Wednesdays.
Sharing tips for working mamas on keeping it together.......
January's topic is New Year's Goals. I have to admit, I have never been one to set some big New Year's Resolutions for myself.  But as I wrote our year-end wrap up and reflected on our 2016, I was inspired to think about a few things I want to make a focus for the coming year. Here are some of my goals for this year......

Read more! I really enjoy reading and have just not made the time for myself to do it! This year I am committing to two books a month. My goal has been a minimum of 20 pages per day. I find the best time for me has been after dinner...with my two littles at my side and early morning on the weekends before everyone else gets up.
So far, so good... I just finished my first book of 2017! Looks like I will be reading more than two this if you have any recommendations... please send them my way in the comments!! And I will be sure to share my book reviews each month. These are the two I planned for this month...
Set screen times.... for myself! My job has me connected to my phone throughout the day....and combine that with arranging kids schedules.... blogging... and social media, I feel like I am connected way more than I should be! So new rule this year... putting my phone away from 6-9pm each night. I don't need to be doing anything during that time, I just look at the phone because it's there! I have been doing pretty well with this one so far!
Continue taking new adventures with the kids! I am pretty lucky to have married an adventurous guy. He loves to explore new things.. be outside.. .and stay active. We have done a pretty good job instilling those same things with the kids. So this year I want to keep doing more of that! On our list to do this year....
Airboat ride to check out the gators in Florida
Horseback riding in Hilton Head
A visit to New Jersey to show Ella where she was born
Road trip to see friends in Maryland
Attend a family reunion and explore a new lake... by boat
I think everyone should take some advice from Nike, and Just Do It! You only live once... so try to take advantage of all this life has to offer! Looking back at last year, I can offer this advice.....
Run the race....
Paddle the waters....
Find the Rubber Duck....
Play the tambourine....
Take the road (or water) less traveled....
And be sure to stop for a minute to take it all in....

We love taking these adventures with the kids and trying to show them all the fun things to do and beautiful places to go. And this year.... I am making the plans for 2017 to be another year of fun!

So I hope your year finds you with time to take more adventures... there is a lot of fun to be had in this world!
See you Friday for Friday favorites....there's always room for one more at our family table.
ps- If you missed Monday's post, you will want to check it out here. Five Healthy Meal ideas for your family table! We will be sharing a new weekly menu plan every Monday!
8 comments on "Workin' It Wednesday...New Year's Goals"
  1. Can't wait to read all about your adventures this year- I want to be inspired for our kiddos!

  2. Sounds like you've got a fun 2017 in store! I hope to read more this year too :)

  3. Thanks for sharing your 2017 goals. I need to read more... Everytime I start to read it instantly puts me to sleep, like a natural ambien...

  4. I love that you take your kids on so many adventures! I am trying to do the same with my family. Happy New Year!


  5. The Husbands Secret is great! And I grew up going to HHI every summer and have gone horseback riding there. So jealous of your adventures!

  6. Love the picture of your little ones reading next to you. Thanks for the inspiration to get out and experience new places and things. :)

  7. The Husband's Secret is amazing. I am in middle of Big Little Lies- Liane Moriarty. Want to finish it before the HBO mini series with Reese and Nicole Kidman!

  8. The Husband's Secret is GREAT!! I love all of Liane Moriarty's books! I've never read Cancel the Wedding, but it's on my list this year! We have to stay connected as far as recommendations go! Make sure to pick up a copy of In a Dark, Dark Wood and The Woman in Cabin 10!


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