Food, family, and fitness... all with a bit of style.

Friday Favorites... 2017 Edition

Happy first Friday of 2017! Gosh.. this was a long, short week. Not that it dragged, but the holidays seem a lifetime ago as we settle back into our daily routines. We all needed it though...bedtimes were a little lax... and I know I was was ready to get back into our usual routine.  So while it was a fairly quiet week, am I am linking up with  AndreaNarci, and Erika to share some of my favorites. We recapped our start of 2017 this week and you can catch up here.
Well it was a quiet week, until Thursday afternoon. I had planned out this post on Wednesday night....then I came home from work around 12.30pm on Thursday and it was like driving through a Winter Wonderland! I left in the morinng and you could see patches of grass, but by dinnertime we could measure our snow in feet! I have to admit I do love one good snowstorm each year! I grabbed the kids early from school, because I knew the buses would be so late with the weather. So we all hunkered down and enjoyed the snowfall......
Maddie was LOVING life.....
The kids were loving it too!!
I see some skiing and sledding in our future this weekend! Now onto my Friday Favorites!
Reading!! I love to read, but I always put it on the backburner of my daily life. So when I would sit down at the end of the day to read....I was lucky to get through a page before closing my eyes! I had surgery in the fall, and while I was out on leave from my job I picked up reading again. Oh how I missed it! So I am happy to say that I have made reading a part of my daily routine... after dinner.... while I am still awake enough to get through more than one page! E & L love reading too, so I have loved our nights snuggled together reading! This is my current book, and so far, so good!
Cooking! I have tried some great new recipes this week and can't wait to share them with you! Be sure to check back on Monday.... we will be launching our first week of meal plans. 5 simple meals for your family table!!
A decluttered, clean house! We have taken down all the Christmas decor and done a thorough cleaning... going to bed with a clean kitchen makes this mama heart happy!
The everyday......
Luke trying out his new binoculars.....he and Maddie were scoping out some bunnies!
Ella snuggling with Maddie......
And these facebook memories that pop up just get littles 5 years ago!
That's about it for our first week of 2017! We have some fun stuff planned this year... it's going to be a great year! Be sure to check in on Monday to get your meal plan & recipes for the much yumminess in one post! See you then.... there's always room for one more at our family table.

3 comments on "Friday Favorites... 2017 Edition"
  1. Love your snow pictures. I can't wait for the weather to warm up a little here so the kids can get back out in it. This morning it's 1 degree, so it's slowly warming up. ;)

  2. That's a lot of snow, looks so pretty! I was so happy to take our Christmas decorations down too. I like them for a time and then it feels to cluttered for me!

  3. Love my Facebook memories! My friend just told me he made sure to take a picture for Facebook every day when he lived in France years ago and now he is getting to enjoy a memory every day that he is back in the states.


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