Food, family, and fitness... all with a bit of style.

Weekend Wrap Up....Hello 2017 Edition!

Happy, happy New Year friends!!!! 2017 is off to a great start and we sure ended 2016 with an action packed weekend!
I just love how the holidays fell this year with the extra day! But I have to be honest... I had no idea what day it was most of last week! Here is a little recap of our last few days of the year....
We packed up the car with our good friends and ventured down to Holiday Valley for some snow tubing. The night did not start out as planned as we got to the tubing company and they were sold out of tubes.. SO BUSY!!! So we went to plan B and did dinner first....over an hour wait at the restaurant! But we found a spot at the bar, ordered some apps and called it dinner!
We went back to the Tubing spot and got our tubes... and it was so much fun! They hook your tube to a pulley and you ride up the mountain.

 It was snowing like crazy while we were there!!! It felt like we were inside a snowglobe! The kids had a blast.......and the adults did too!
I mean, look at all the snow on my was coming down so hard!
Of course we had to warm up with hot cocoa afterwards......
We laid low on Friday night and played with some of the kids' new toys....
And then I began to take down the Christmas decor. As much as I love putting it up, I love it just as much when it comes down! I was cleaning like crazy. If it wasn't tied down, I was donating or tossing. Love starting the year of fresh!
Is there anything sexier than your guy vacuuming on a Friday night? I think not!😍
Of course I found myself at Target Saturday morning wanting to buy all new stuff for organizing and decorating! #tellmeimnotalone   I restrained and just bought the few things I went in for....and maybe these placemats I found for 75% off.......
Saturday night we went to a fabulous New Year's Eve party at a friends house. There were over 30 kids there.... and I made some cute Oreo pops to celebrate!
We all had so much fun! Great friends....
a fun balloon drop & confetti poppers....
and a champagne toast to end the night!
Sunday I was still in cleaning mode, so Paul took the kids sledding. The kids were so excited when they saw their good friends there too. Sledding with your friends is apparently way more fun than with just Dad!
We finished out Sunday with some pizza and football at our friends house. The kids had fun catching up and sharing Christmas stories!
After all the festivities of December, I was happy to start out my Monday with a clean family room, my new mug and start a new book....
We joined my parents and sister for lunch and spent the rest of our afternoon getting ready to head back to school & work! 
2016 was such a fun year for us! I recapped my favorite things from the year last week. If you missed that post, you can catch up here.
Next week I am starting up a new weekly post. 5 meal ideas you can share at your family table each week. I know a lot of friends out there want to change the approach they take to food this year. Whether it's meal planning, recipe ideas, eating healthier, or getting your kids involved in the kitchen....I hope to help with all of that each week!
 I did a meal planning post a few months ago & you can read that to get an idea of where to start. Be sure to add your email to follow our blog, or check us out on Facebook or Instagram so you don't miss anything! 
I hope 2017 is off to a good start for all of you too! I am excited to share lots of great recipes & things to do as a family this year. I am thankful to you for following along and hope you will invite some friends to join us.....there's always room for one more at our family table!
Here's to a great year!

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