Food, family, and fitness... all with a bit of style.

What's Up Wednesday....January 2017 Edition

Once a month, I link up with ShayMel and Sheaffer for What's Up Wednesday.

 A fun monthly post where we share what's happening in life lately.

Let's get started!
What we're eating this week.... 
This week we shared some quick and easy meal ideas on Monday. Every Monday we share 5 Meals for your Family Table to help take the guesswork out of mealplanning. A few pics of what we are eating this week....
Salmon with Citrus Quinoa
Butternut Squash Ravioli
And a make your own Taco Bar

What I'm reminiscing about.....
Oh.... Christmas! It is my most favorite time of the year and sometimes I feel like it comes and goes so fast! We had such a magical month!

What I'm loving.....
My new Clarisonic. I have been eyeing one of these for a while and finally broke down and got one. It is AMAZING.
My skin feels so much cleaner and softer, I just wish I would have gotten one sooner in life!
What we've been up to....
This has been a really low key month for us and I have been loving it! We have been enjoying some winter stuff...
Ice skating

Playing in the snow
And we took a little weekend getaway to an indoor water park!
During the evenings we have been playing basketball in our basement and we all have done a lot of reading!

What I'm dreading.....
The mud for the next few months.  We have had an unusually warm and rainy January, after an initial burst of snow. Between the 2 feet of snow that has melted and the nearly everyday rain drizzle our backyard is like a swampland. Did I mention we have a 1 year old golden retriever?? Who just so happens to love mud and digging??
I mean, she's cute... but do you see those paws???
I dread my floors for the next few months....
This was last Spring... we have a better paw wiping routine down now....but ugh!
What I'm working on......
Lots of great new recipes and meal planning ideas. This month we kicked off our weekly series "Five Meals for your Family Table".
Each Monday we share 5 healthy meal ideas (and recipes) to help make life a little easier. If you need some inspiration for your meal planning... you can check out our last couple weeks of ideas. We share 5 meal ideas every Monday!
In February, each week will have a "cook once, eat twice" concept. Sharing how to use the meat portion you make for dinner one night and work it into a delicious salad later in the week! Can't wait to share them with you!
What I'm excited about.......
Some of our adventures we have planned this year. Paul and I have made a list of some things we want to do and places to take the kids. I'm excited that we have made some plans and put things on our calendar! First up is an airboat ride with the gators down in Florida and hopefully a stop in Hilton Head to go horseback riding!
What I'm watching/reading.....
Homeland came back this month! I fell in love with this show in season 1. I loved the next 3 seasons, but the last 2 I have felt kind of meh... but I still love watching Claire Danes as Carrie. She plays such a good role!
I just wrapped up my fourth book this month!!! I set a goal to read more this year and am so happy I did! I am working on a little book review of those I have read this month. I will be sharing that with you tomorrow. Be sure to check it out!
What I'm listening to..... this is another one that is always hard for me.  I like music, but am not obsessed with listening to it. I feel like between work, kids, and home there is always someone talking or some sort of background noise!  So honestly, most times you will find me in the car with the radio off. There is just something about that quiet time that my mind craves.
 Am I alone on this? Anyone else out there enjoy driving in silence? #maybeitsjustme

What I'm wearing.....
These two Stella & Dot pieces are pretty much on repeat. The Renegade Cluster Bracelet in Gold and the Riad Layering Necklace. The bracelet mixes so well with other bracelets & you can also get in silver and rose gold!

This necklace is amazing...the mix of silver and gold and the option to wear it 7 different ways... it's a favorite of mine for sure! Click here to check out these great pieces! And bonus... a huge sale starts today... 25% off some of the most coveted pieces! What's better mid-week than a little retail therapy??
What I'm doing this weekend.....
We are going cross country skiing with some friends. Now the last time I went, I may have ended up in a compromising position... hugging a tree.... with my skis crossed behind me! Paul and I still crack up about it all the time. He came to help and took one look at me and said "I don't even know how to help you?" Soooo I am hoping to stay on the path this time around!

What I'm looking forward to next month...
VACATION!! We are heading down to Florida next month. We go every year around this time to visit my in-laws. It is such nice break from our Northeast winters!
We are all ready for a little sand and sun!
What else is new.....
Ella started playing the violin this year. I am so proud of her and her determination to lean how to play. I never really learned to play an instrument, so watching her read the notes and play is pretty neat to see!
So that's a a little bit of what's up with us! Anything new and exciting with you?? Excited to share my book review with you tomorrow!  Hope you stop by... there's always room for one more at our family table.

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