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January Book Review

Welcome to my first ever book review post!! Let me start by saying I am by no means a literary genius... I just enjoy a good read... something to take my mind to another place. One thing I committed to doing this year is reading more consistently. I am happy to say that I read 4 books in January.. a pretty good start to the year! I set a goal for myself of 20 pages per day. That works really well for me on weeknights. The kids both log their daily reading for school, so we have all been getting our reading in together!

I decided to do a book review, mostly because that is how I have found some great recommended reads! I also linked each book to Amazon, so you can just click and add to your cart!
So I was all ready to do my book review, when I found out Narci over at Grace and Love Blog was starting a monthly book review link up. So I am linking up with her! Be sure to check out her blog for all her picks too!!

Book one...
This book came as the favorite book of 2016 from Shay at Mix & Match Mama. I have liked other books she has read too, so I kicked off my year with this one, Cancel the Wedding by Carolyn T. Dingman.
It took me about 75 pages to really get into it.. but stay with it.. it's a really great story! This one is about a woman, Olivia, that is engaged to be married and loses her mother. Her mother had left instructions to scatter her ashes in the small town she was born. Olivia sets off to see this town and unearths lots of secrets from her mother's tragic past. The book got so interesting about 2/3 through that I really could not put it down!! A little love story... suspense...tragedy... I would see this as a movie in a heartbeat!
Book two....
Now this book I picked for a totally random reason. I had seen it numerous times on the book endcap at  Target. So one day I picked it up & read the back cover and in the cart it went!  Gosh I am so glad I picked it! This was the story of Cecilia Fitzpatrick... a typical suburban mom who seemingly had her life put together perfectly, until she accidentally discovers a note that she was not meant to see. It was a letter addressed to her from her husband, to be opened in the event of his death. Well, she opened it, even though he was alive and well and the secret told in the letter rocked her world. It was a secret that tied her to others in her circle and the ending was just so good. Really enjoyed this book! I am definitely going to read another book by her!

Book three...
Please note the cutest bookmark ever!
So this book got me for three reasons....
1. The dog on the cover is adorable!
2. We got our first dog about a year and half ago and I could not imagine our life without her.
3. There is a new movie coming out based on the book and I always like to read the book before I see the movie. I am usually disappointed with the movie...but nonetheless I still read before I see! **since I originally wrote this, some disturbing things have come out about the making of this film. So I don't think I am going to see it....
Well if you are a dog lover... read this with a box of tissues nearby. If you are not a dog lover and still aren't after reading this book....I'm not sure we can be friends! Seriously though... this book!  Just go get it. It is the sweetest story sharing what a dog's purpose is in this life. And gosh they do have such purpose.. you will be an even prouder dog owner after reading.... you'll go in for extra snuggles... and look at each dog you see in a different light.
Book Four...
 Now this one I stumbled on by accident. I read a review from a fellow blogger that raved about  A Hundred Summers by the same author. I looked for it at our local library,but it was checked out. So I grabbed another one by her. I read it in 2 days! It was such an interesting story and a quick read. This book was set in the 1960's and told the story of  Tiny, a girl who did all the right things and married the right man. Her husband, Frank was from a wealthy family with strong political ties who was himself running for office. The story is about Tiny trying to find her voice, while keeping a secret and discovering her husband had a secret of his own. I loved it and can't wait to read more by this author!

So there you have it... my first monthly book review! Any suggestions for February?? We will be at the beach for a beach read recommendations are appreciated! I am starting with this one..
My girlfriend suggested it... and since I am in week one of marathon training, it seemed appropriate!

Thanks for stopping by! I'll be sharing my reviews next month too... with a vacation in there, I am hoping to read lots! 
See you tomorrow for Friday favorites... there's always room for one more at our family table.

1 comment on "January Book Review"
  1. I haven't read any of those books, but Cancel the Wedding and The Husband's Secret are on my short list. I just listened to Lauren Graham's Talking as Fast as I Can on Audible and LOVED it!


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