Food, family, and fitness... all with a bit of style.

Two Family Favorite Side Dishes

Sometimes it's hard to come up with new ideas for the same old sides. We always have at least one veggie with our dinner each night and often our side is a salad. These are two ideas for sides that are full of flavor... my kids love them....and they don't require any crazy ingredients!

Sauteed Brussel Sprouts
Now I know what you're thinking.... really, Gen... your kids love brussel spouts? I kid you not...they are soooo good!
1/2 cup of diced pancetta
1 small onion diced
1.5 lb thinly shaved brussel sprouts
1 cup chicken broth

In a large saute pan, swirl EVOO around your pan once and heat over medium-high heat. Add both the pancetta and the onion and lower the head to medium. Cook for a few minutes, until the pancetta has browned, stirring often. Add the brussel sprouts, sti to mix the onion mixture with the sprouts and cover. Cook for 5 minutes. Add about 1/2 cup of the broth and season with salt & pepper. Continue to cook until the sprouts are softened, adding additional broth if needed. Taste again for seasoning.

Roasted Smashed Potatoes
1 lb baby potatoes (red, purple, white)
EVOO- I use an herb infused oil

Wash your potatoes and place in a large pot and cover with water. Bring to a boil and boil for about 20 minutes or until fork tender.

Drain the potatoes well and dump onto a foil lined baking sheet. With potato masher (or fork), gently push down on each potato to "smash" them. Be careful, as they will be hot to the touch.
Drizzle them with the olive oil, sprinkle with salt & pepper and bake for 20-25 minutes at 425.
These are also make a great addition to brunch!
Hoping these ideas jazz up your everyday dinners!!!
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