Food, family, and fitness... all with a bit of style.

Tuesday Talk... Nothing Days!

Hi friends!! Today I am linking up with Erika & Ashley for Tuesday Talk. A monthly link up where we can talk about any and everything!
 Today I want to talk about nothing.... as in having nothing to do! November & December were so busy! Super fun, but really busy! The last couple weekends we have not had too much going on and wow....we needed it!
Listen....I get it... there will always be commitments... parties, events, sports games.. the usual life stuff! But a weekend of is a great feeling. One I am going to try to make happen at least once a month! We just got to do whatever we commitments...just take the day as it comes. Here's a little recap....
We had such a great long weekend! The kids started their weekend extra early with a half day on Friday. Not sure about you, but not making lunches on a half day feels like I gain hours into my day! I mean, it takes all of 5 minutes to make their sandwiches and they do the rest... but seriously I feel like it's a vacation day! #tellmeimnotalone
Friday night we finally went to see Sing! They have been asking forever and we just had not made it there yet. Our theater recently renovated to the reclining seats and my crew loves it!
The movie was great...just loved the music!
Saturday was the perfect mix of productive & fun! We did some laundry & cleaning in the morning, I went grocery shopping, we went to Mass in the afternoon and had such a fun night ice skating! There is a great rink in the town next to ours and it's a great place to skate!
I was so proud of both kids skating. We only go a few times each year, so it's not exactly easy for them yet. Ella really seemed to get it this year!
And Luke tried like heck for over an hour! He would go along pretty well and then wipe out.. .but he never gave up or got frustrated... just kept at it! I was so proud of him!
We even ran into Mia... the kids' babysitter....
Of course hot chocolate had to follow our skating! There is the cutest coffee shop just up the street from the rink. It's our favorite spot... because of the these tableside smores! 
I mean, how cute is this??? 
There was a local voice studio there with some teenage kids singing live music too! E & L loved watching them sing.. they were all so talented!
Sunday was AMAZING....because we had gotten so much done on Saturday, I really felt like the day was mine! I did some meal prep, a little blogging, finished  reading my second book of the month (yay!), and decided to bake a Smores Cheesecake. Now I know I am tying to give tips and recipes on eating healthy, but life is all about balance! Shay over at Mix & Match Mama shared this recipe on Friday and I heard it calling my name!
Friends... this did not disappoint! You can grab the recipe here.
Ella had a friend sleepover since they had no school on Monday. She had a list of what they would do for the an organized girl with a list! #shegetsitfromhermama
I am telling you.... we need more "Nothing Days"....they are so good!!! I recommend you put a Nothing Weekend on your calendar soon!
Did you check out our meal planning post yesterday?? 5 great meals to put on your family table this week.
Enjoyed talking with you....hope you will join us again soon....there's always room for one more at our family table!
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