Food, family, and fitness... all with a bit of style.

A Little Life Lately....

Happy Thursday friends! We have made it through the first week of February and gosh this has been a busy month for us. We have a sunny getaway planned soon, but we have a couple busy days leading up to it! Ella is in her school's play next week and they have had a lot of practices before & after school, so between that and a hectic work schedule, my mornings have been starting out with lots of coffee and my favorite dry shampoo!
Here is a little bit of life lately with my crew.
Last weekend we had plans to hit up the art gallery and then grab dinner. We got home from school & work and it was F-R-E-E-Z-I-N-G!! I mean the kind of cold that just hurts your face. And the thought of the walk from our car to the art gallery just made me shiver. So we skipped it and just went out to eat! We went to an "new to us" spot....Hertel Avenue Poutine & Cream. They are known for their poutine and some wild milkshakes.
That's Ella with her Cookie Monster Shake. 
 Poutine is a Canadian dish that consists of french fries covered in gravy then cheese curds. #notahealthydish
This spot makes them with a twist, adding pulled pork or making them with nacho toppings.
We just got a couple orders to split. And it was so good!
Luke got the Cake milkshake and yes, that is a cupcake on top of the milkshake! 
I think the kids favorite part was writing on the walls with a dry erase marker. A fun restaurant feature for sure. 
The next morning Paul and I got rid of this beast of a TV.  A little backstory on this. We have had this TV for a long time. It has made the move with us to three different states. It has sat in our basement since our last move 9 years ago and it was time to say goodbye.
I am pretty sure it was the largest and heaviest tube TV ever made. And it is also not something you can easily get rid of, because first of all it weights one million pounds and second you can't just put it out to the curb. So when we saw a local electronic recycling event we were pretty pumped. 
 Apparently everyone else was too! After Paul and I somehow got that beast up the stairs (with Ella standing by ready to call 9-1-1) and then got it in the back of Paul's car, he was in traffic trying to drop it off! Yes, traffic snaked around the block and through the parking lot with folks trying to dump their old electronics. So if you are looking to dump some old electronics, search your area for an electronics recycling event. A great, usually free and safe way to get rid of these items!
Luke and Paul have been having lots of fun in their first basketball season together and we have had fun watching him play. 
I have been busy getting ready for Ella's play too. I volunteered (or maybe I was encouraged😉) to head up the makeup team for the 5th grade play. I did not think it would be too involved, until I realized 127 kids needed makeup for 4 performances! 
So my nights have been spent organizing my makeup teams! 
We had lots of fun watching the  SuperBowl and we all had someone to cheer on.
 And this week we have gotten more snow....but the dog doesn't mind it as she waits for the kids each day.
So that's a little life lately around here.
See you tomorrow for Friday Favorites, there's always room for one more at our family table.

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