Food, family, and fitness... all with a bit of style.

A Little of This & That

Oh my goodness this has been a whirlwind of a week! I wasn't sure what I was going to share today, and had a bunch of random pictures in my phone, so I thought I would share a little of this & that!
We are heading somewhere warm very soon and I had Ella try on some of her Summer clothes.... and well I think she has grown 6 inches! Her shorts were so short! But really, the ones out in the store were not much longer. 
We shopped and shopped. It is not easy to find what I will call "appropriate" shorts for a 10 year old girl. But we persevered and hit the jackpot at Target!
They had some really cute stuff , at great Target prices. I will share some of our favorite finds next week. 
This picture popped up as a Facebook memory. Look at how little my Luke is. Paul took him to the auto show to meet Iron Man. He was so excited to bring along his Iron Man action figure and Ill never forget he wore his Iron Man underwear too! 
Last weekend we took Maddie for a run through the farm behind our house. It was a perfect day for a snowball fight and Maddie loves to chase snowballs. 
 I love the barn and property behind our house. It is a great place to explore and the perfect place for pictures!
I think I have done our Christmas cards back there three different times! 
 Paul went skiing on Sunday and the kids and I got a bunch of things checked off our list. We went to church, Target, and Wegmans. The kids love lunch at Wegmans, so we stopped for sushi.
Then we hit up Barnes & Noble for some books for our trip. So happy my crew loves to read!
Ella has been practicing really hard for her school play and put on 4 great performances this week!! 
And last night we had a sweet treat after dinner to celebrate Valentine's Day. 
I don't know where this week went....but it was a fun one!
See you tomorrow for Friday Favorites. There's always room for one more at our family table. 

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