Whether you watch the Superbowl for the game...or the halftime show...or the commercials...or just come for the snacks....the Superbowl is a fun night!
I think it's fun to get together with friends and family to watch and always hope for a good game. I will never forget watching my Buffalo Bills go to the SuperBowl 4 years in a row. While we never had the outcome we hoped for, it was fun to watch and root for them.
We are a loyal fan base and it was still so fun to watch them make it to the playoffs again this year.
Our Superbowl return is coming.....soon😉
I love to have people over for the Superbowl and you know I love a good theme! Our local donut shop makes donuts for the Superbowl and the past couple years I have gotten them for the kids.

They are somehow always rooting for different teams!
Luke loves football. He loves watching the game and can quote players and stats and would wear a football jersey everyday of his life! He really started getting into it about two years ago. He was a big Carolina Panthers fan.

He still loves Carolina, but has a few other teams listed as favorites too (note- they most likely have winning records!).
For his 7th birthday we had a football themed party. It was a fun party and I kept all the football decor and bring it out for Superbowl parties!

If you have a little guy who is wishing for a football party, I shared all the details here.
Luke loves to have people over and is a big fan of "decorating" for a party. Last year he set out this spread for the SuperBowl Party.

This year he was so excited to see I got plates and balloons for each team!
I got a football cookie cake and Luke added the team helmets from his collection.
I think it's fun to get together with friends and family to watch and always hope for a good game. I will never forget watching my Buffalo Bills go to the SuperBowl 4 years in a row. While we never had the outcome we hoped for, it was fun to watch and root for them.
We are a loyal fan base and it was still so fun to watch them make it to the playoffs again this year.
Our Superbowl return is coming.....soon😉
I love to have people over for the Superbowl and you know I love a good theme! Our local donut shop makes donuts for the Superbowl and the past couple years I have gotten them for the kids.

They are somehow always rooting for different teams!
Luke loves football. He loves watching the game and can quote players and stats and would wear a football jersey everyday of his life! He really started getting into it about two years ago. He was a big Carolina Panthers fan.
He still loves Carolina, but has a few other teams listed as favorites too (note- they most likely have winning records!).
For his 7th birthday we had a football themed party. It was a fun party and I kept all the football decor and bring it out for Superbowl parties!
If you have a little guy who is wishing for a football party, I shared all the details here.
Luke loves to have people over and is a big fan of "decorating" for a party. Last year he set out this spread for the SuperBowl Party.
This year he was so excited to see I got plates and balloons for each team!
I got a football cookie cake and Luke added the team helmets from his collection.
This year the Superbowl had a little something for everyone.....
We get lots of yummy snacks and I always search for free printables for the teams. I use them as drink labels or cupcake toppers. And candy in the team colors is always a fun idea!
Most of us were rooting for the Eagles, but Ella had her Aunt Emma standing with her and the Patriots.
Every year I dip strawberries in milk chocolate and then add some white lines to make little footballs. Cute & delicious!
It was such a great & exciting game this year. Ella was tired by the third quarter so she went to bed (confident her Patriots would win). Luke stayed up and he was so into the game.
With just two minutes left, he got so nervous and came to sit with me and Paul on the couch. He held my hand and just kept hoping the Eagles would win.
They pulled out the win and he could not stop smiling!
He laid his jersey right next to his bed.... obviously he would be wearing it to school.
It was tough breaking the news to Ella, but I reminded her how many Superbowl wins the Patriots had and this was the first one for the Eagles. That didn't help all that much, but hey..you win some and you lose some.
Another fun SuperBowl night for us!!
See you tomorrow, there's always room for one more at our family table.
p.s. My favorite commercial was the one with Eli Manning & Odell Beckham and their rendition of "Time of My Life".... laugh out loud funny!!!
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