Food, family, and fitness... all with a bit of style.

A Little Winter Getaway!

Hi friends!! So I missed a few days of has been a little hectic around here. Just a busy week and well, I chose sleep over blogging! But I am back with a whole lot to share today!! 
Last month the kids had a Winter Break from school and we headed down to the Sunshine state to visit Paul's parents. We had a great time and the most beautiful weather. It was 83 and sunny EVERYDAY! I have been going there to visit his parents for the last 20 years, and I don't remember a week the weather was that perfect! 
So here is a peek at our week in the sunshine. I will warn you... there's lots of pics and not much exciting.. a lot of time at the beach and the pool!

Now our adventure starts with the ride there. Yes...we drive from New York to Florida. And yes, we drive straight through! My crew loves it and it just works for us! They are both great travelers and bring lots to keep them busy... books, sticker books, DVDs, small toys....
 And every blanket they own.
I shared some of my road trip tips here, last Summer.
First stop when we got there... Walgreens! We forgot sunscreen! 
The kids got to swimming and I got to reading! I read 4 great books on this trip. This one was my favorite. 
If you haven't already, be sure to check out my February Book Review.
After a full day a the pool, we headed to one of our favorite restaurants for dinner. Paul took me to Shrimper's on our first trip to Florida together and we love it there. Casual, on the water and fresh fish.. that's all I need. Ella was happy to get a fun drink at dinner! 
Luke was loving his shades, even though the sun had set long ago! 
Day 2 we set out for a day at the beach. 

It was a picture perfect day.... 

 Luke was so pumped to find a coconut washed up on shore. He found a fun use for it too😉
There wasn't much wind, so not much in the way of waves, but the kids still managed to have a blast! 
 Paul and his parents.
 I happily read book #2!!
And Luke got busy digging. 
 Like mother, like daughter.....
Then she used our snack for the dream!
The boys loved football on the beach. 
 I asked Paul to get a pic of me while I was in the ocean with the kids. He got this good shot....
 And then a wave came up and hit us all in the back! Look at Ella's face! HA!
That coconut... he dug a hole and made a basketball hoop!
After a full day at the beach we went to Shucker's... another favorite restaurant for a late lunch. Luke was loving sitting at the bar watching the Olympics. 
Ella got cherries in her drink. She was loving her fancy drinks on vacation! 
 Love my crew!
Luke and I got some tennis in while were there.. We are not very good, but have fun!
This girl is living her best life at the pool. 
Shades? Check.
Cute Suit? Check.
HGTV Magazine? Check. 
 The weather was just so good, we hit up the beach the next day too!
 Can someone tell my kids you need to be in the water to surf???
It was a bit windier, so there were a few more waves than the day before. These two had fun trying to "surf".
 On the way to the beach we head down my favorite street. There are banyan trees on either side that form an arch and I just love driving down that street (for the record, Paul was driving😉)
Paul and I snuck out for a dinner out at a great "new to me" restaurant. It had the most amazing plants and trees and felt like you were on some tropical island. 

This little guy hung around my feet. I kept looking down, as I was so nervous he was going to crawl up my leg!!!
 Date night with my favorite guy!
We took a beach break and spent the day poolside.....

On our last day we had to head back to the beach. I tell you, I really want to live by the beach someday. It is just the most relaxing place in the world. Well that is after you carry all your gear and set up your spot!
Waiting for the big wave.....
 The kids were having so much fun playing in the waves.
Until Ella ran out crying that something stung. Yep... stung by a man-o-war! 
This guy right here.....
But she was a trooper!!! So we went out to lunch to celebrate our last day and Ella surviving the man-o-war!! 
It also happened to be National Margarita Day, so we celebrated that too! 

 Luke loves all seafood....clams and crab legs are his favorite!!
 A fun week with Grandma & Grandpa!
 And then we were back on the road again!
We had a great time and it was nice to see the sunshine! 
See you tomorrow for Friday Favorites, there's always room for one more at our family table.

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