Food, family, and fitness... all with a bit of style.

Something New for Your Family Table Week 10....Spaghetti Squash Pizzas

Good Monday morning friends!! I am so excited to share this recipe with you.  I played around with it last week and just loved it. I am a big fan of spaghetti squash, so when I decided to make it into a "pizza" I was pretty sure I would love it. The lengthiest part of this is roasting the squash, but you could easily do that a day or two ahead of time. Other than that they come together in no time.
Here is what you will need to make these. Mine made 14 pizza cups, but it may vary based on the size of your squash.
1 medium to large spaghetti squash
1 cup of fresh spinach (chopped)
1 egg, lightly beaten
1/2 TSP garlic powder
1/2 TSP onion powder
Salt & Pepper
1 cup of your favorite pizza sauce
1 cup shredded mozzarella
favorite pizza toppings (olives, mushrooms, pepper, pepperoni)

First you will need to roast the spaghetti squash. If you are like me, the hardest part of this is cutting the squash! I feel like either I need a chainsaw or fear I will lose a finger in the process! I have found piercing it with a fork a few times and then popping into the microwave for 5 minutes helps to make cutting a little easier....and less scary!
Once it is cut, scoop out the seeds, drizzle with olive oil, sprinkle with salt & pepper and roast open side down for an hour at 425.
Now you need to scrape it out of the skin. You can do this carefully, using oven mitts to hold the squash (it will be very hot) or let them cool down for a bit. 
Place your shredded squash into a large bowl with the spinach, egg, garlic powder, onion powder and mix until combined.
Lightly spray a muffin tin with cooking spray, and using an ice cream scoop, scoop some mixture into each tin.
Press the center down with the back of a spoon and add some sauce to the top of each. I added 1-2 TBSP per cup.
Top with 1-2 TBSP of cheese and add some of your favorite toppings.
Bake at 375 for about 20 -25 minutes until cheese is melted and golden.
We served ours with a big green salad and they were a fun new twist on pizza night!
See you tomorrow....there's always room for one more at our family table.

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