Food, family, and fitness... all with a bit of style.

LIfe Lately

Hi friends! Here we are...the third day of Spring and we are still waiting for the temperatures to feel Spring-like. Maddie is stealing any spot of sun she can....
And Paul has resorted to shorts and a parka for his snowblowing duties. 
Yes friends...we are desperate for some warmth and sunshine here in the Northeast. So as we patiently wait for Spring, here is a peek at what we have been up to lately, as we wait for Spring to arrive.
Luke and Paul finished up their first basketball season. It was Luke's first year playing and Paul's first coaching and I am not sure which one loved it more. They both had a great time and we loved watching them play.
And speaking of basketball, we have been pretty caught up in March Madness here. I grew up in a basketball house, so I have always loved watching the games. This year's tournament has been crazy! So fun to watch. Last weekend everytime I looked at the family room, my two guys were watching the games.
We are having some friends over Friday night to watch some games and I cannot wait! Good food, good friends and good basketball!
We had a fun St Patrick's Day Weekend! The kids set up some pretty good leprechaun traps, but didn't catch him this year. 
He did leave his favorite cereal.....
and of course played a few tricks!
We met up with some friends at a local brewery to celebrate and watch some Irish dancers.
Ella has a green shirt under her jacket, Luke has green under his sweatshirt and Paul was wearing blue for the UB Bulls basketball team which was on while we were there.😉
The dancers were great! One of Ella's best friends was there dancing and it was so fun to watch her!
We had corned beef & cabbage for dinner and made some Green Velvet Cupcakes. 
These are the same as red velvet, we just used green food coloring instead! You can get my red velvet recipe here.
We have been up to the usual stuff... school, work, dance, baseball, religion... and loving the extra daylight at night! I think I have finally adjusted to the time change... it took me a bit!
Have the best Thursday! See you tomorrow for Friday Favorites...there's always room for one more at our family table. 

1 comment on "LIfe Lately"
  1. I love all of your St. Patrick's Day festivities--so festive!
    You've got a lot of snow...not warm here in Ohio either. Come on spring!


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