Food, family, and fitness... all with a bit of style.

Friday Favorites

TGIF!!!! We had a full week around here! A super fun trip and packing in some more Summer fun before school starts. I am honestly wiped out from this week, so my favorites are short and sweet today. Grab some coffee... I know I am probably drinking some as you read this and check out a few of my favorites from the week.
As always, I am linking up with three of my favorite blogging friends, ErikaNarci & Andrea .

My most favorite thing from this week was our trip to Boston! Paul was travelling to Nashville for work and it was just the kids and I along with my parents and sister. We packed all we could into our short time there and loved every minute of it!!! Ill share lots more details in a few posts next week.
My bag was the best ever!!! It was perfect for travelling, not too big and not too small and had great pocket placement! Under $25... you need this bag! Even on day trips with kids it's just perfect!

We had a great Summer weekend last weekend....
Ella danced at the Fair and we were sure to get something fried and something on a stick! Because I believe those are two fair requirements!
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We spent Saturday at my brother's and the kids had a blast playing with their cousins.
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We hit the drive-in on the way home, where Ella and I somehow ended up in a hula hooping contest, while the boys played mini golf. We treated ourselves to some ice cream after showing off our skills!
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Then Sunday we enjoyed the day on the water. Paul did some waterskiing
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and the kids looked for fish!
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I love reading book reviews and I shared mine this week. If you missed it, you can check it out here.
There were some good ones I read last month!!!

After a full week of travel for all of us, we are ready for a low key weekend around here!!! And I guess it's time to start getting our act's back to school in 10 days!!! 
Have the best weekend friends!
See you next week, there is always room for one more at our family table.

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