Food, family, and fitness... all with a bit of style.

Boston Day 2!!!

Hey friends!! Ok, so on Tuesday I shared Day 1 of our trip to Boston. We saw a little history, did a lot of walking and visited Fenway.

Now on to Day 2.............
We were outfitted in our Boston gear and ready to explore this fun city a little more.
But not before a quick swim in the hotel pool. The pool had windows to the gym, so naturally Luke was flexing his muscles.
On our agenda was visit to the Garden, home of the Boston Celtics and the Boston Bruins. We did the tour and it was really neat to see the arena from the highest level and they have 2 floors of some amazing sports history.
My Dad was a huge Boston fan during the Larry Bird era, so I love this picture of him and Luke with Larry's statue.
Ella was not into all the sports history, but she is always up for a picture!

Luke loved every minute of it!!!

Ella found something she loved. She loves the Patriots and Tom Brady... which is not very welcome here in Bills country. So she soaked up all the Patriots displays!
Everybody was enamored with Shaquille O'Neal's size 24 sneakers.......
Enjoying a seat in the original seats from the Boston Garden.
I wish we all didn't have red eyes in this pic!
 Of course the tour ends at the sports shop. Luke said "I'll take one of each!".
Posing with his favorite Celtics player.....
Emma loves hockey! Buffalo Sabres first and then Boston, because it's Donnie Wahlberg's hometown!
Right outside the arena was this restaurant and it was lunch time so we decided to stop!
Luke had ribs and ate every.single.thing!

Ella was carb-loading... pasta & fries!
We all loved our was a great spot!
Inline image
We walked down the block from the restaurant and found some cool green space. The highway system runs underground and there is just some awesome green space in the middle of big city life!

We took a left turn and found ourselves in Little Italy. Adorable shops and restaurants on the cutest little streets!
We heard about Mike's Pastry so we had to stop. My goodness... the goodies there were larger than life!

Because pastries were not enough, we stopped for gelato too!
I got the Hazelnut Cannoli and it was amazing.
We left our hotel around 4 to head to the airport. This might be my favorite memory of the trip. We were there a short time and just took a carry-on and I put my stuff in the kids' bags. So for travelling I carried nothing but my purse and it was the best feeling!! With Ella and Luke so close in age, I remember taking two carseats and a double stroller in addition to all our luggage on a plane. Travelling this way was so much better!
We took a quick bus ride to the airport, we wanted to get there for dinner....
.....because we had big plans for Wahlburgers!!!
Everyone gave two thumbs up for their Wahlburger!!!!
Emma and her godson riding in style with their Boston -themed neck wraps!
Peace out Boston....thanks for having us. We had the best time!
See you tomorrow for Friday Favorites....there is always room for one more at our family table.

1 comment on "Boston Day 2!!!"
  1. This looks like a perfect few days in Boston! We went there last summer and just loved it! How far apart are your kids? Mine are 18 months apart, with the girl being older just like yours. Except now they are both in high school. I remember the double stroller days too, and now it is just a breeze to travel together. Have a wonderful week. Tanya - The Other Side of the Road


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