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A Little Book Review

Hey friends! Not sure what happened, but somehow my March Book Review eluded me so I am sharing my thoughts today on books I read in March and April.
I read some amazing books in February and well I can't say the same for this last batch. I read 4 books and one with Ella. Two were just ok, one I really liked and one I can't really decide on.
So, here we go!

I read Me Before You and loved it, so I was super excited to pick up After You. 
It picked up with Louisa after Will had died and I just could not get into it. The whole concept was a little far fetched for me and I don't know.. I just did not enjoy it. I have heard there is a third book in this series, but I think I will skip it.

Next up was this book that I read with Ella. I shared a little bit about this book and the why we read it now in a post here.

If you have a daughter heading into middle school, I would highly recommend this book. It's a great start to a conversation about changes that your daughter will be going through. There is a version for boys too.

My dad gave me this book and I read it in two days. And I still can't decided my thoughts on it. I could not put it down, because I could not wait to see how it ended.
The Woman in the Window
But yet I felt uncomfortable reading it the whole time. It was the story of a woman that lived alone, with a fear of going outside and sees things happening in her neighbor's homes... or is she making it up? It was a thriller, similar to Gone Girl, but there was something about it I didn't like, yet could not put down. Anyone else read this one and have similar thoughts???

After The Woman in the Window I needed a happy, fun book and The Guest Cottage by Nancy Thayer was the answer! I love her books....they are light, fun and beachy.
The Guest Cottage
This was the story of a woman who finds out her husband wants a divorce and decides to rent a house on the beach with her kids for the Summer to figure things out. When she arrives she finds a recently widowed man and his son that have somehow rented the same house. They decide to give it a go and share the house for the Summer. Just a fun story of how they each come to terms with what has happened and the friendship that forms over the Summer. As the weather warms up, this would be a perfect pool/beach book!

My last book was 'Without Merit by Colleen Hoover. Now I have read a few others by her and loved them. This one was just ok, and I was kind of bummed.
Without Merit: A Novel
This was the story of Merit, a high school girl with a bizarre family life, living in an old church. I guess as I read it I just never really connected with the characters. It felt more like a book targeted towards a young reader. It was ok, just not great.

Now I am on the hunt for some great books for May. Please share your favorites with me in the comments.
If you missed my other book reviews this year...
January Book Review
February Book Review
2017 Favorite Books

See you tomorrow for Friday Favorites, there's always room for one more at our family table.
5 comments on "A Little Book Review"
  1. Yes, skip the third book in Me Before You. I felt like she wrote it just so she could say it was a trilogy and I stopped after about 50 pages.

  2. Thanks for the heads up!!! I didn't love the second, so I was leaning towards skipping..and you helped make my decision!

  3. I loved these books: Before We Were Yours, The Family Next Door, The Widowers Wife (great), Tell Me More (Kelly Corrigan) The Stolen Marriage, The Wife Between Us (see a pattern of wife books...I love a good mystery/thriller), We Were the Lucky Ones (great book),

  4. YES to the mentioned Before We Were Yours, The Family Next Door, and Tell Me More! A couple others I'd add are What She Knew and Cancel The Wedding. Happy reading :)

  5. I totally agree on the Before We Were Yours recommendation! It is so good and will stick with you a long time. I also read Sisters First by the Bush twins recently and loved it! I have been very into Sally Hepworth recently, too.


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