Food, family, and fitness... all with a bit of style.

A Little Life Lately...........

Happy Wednesday friends! Here we are halfway through May and it's been a while since I have done a life lately post! So since I have approximately one million pictures on my phone from the past few weeks, here is a peek at what we have been up to.
We had a great weekend celebrating Luke's First Communion a few weeks ago.....
.........and then it was May!!
Any parent out there will probably tell you that May is crazy. I mean all the things happen in May! So we have had concerts and dance pics and baseball and a parade and a dance recital and a birthday and Mother's Day and we are just halfway through the month!! 
We started the month celebrating Paul's birthday. We went to dinner with his parents and that was about it. Ella & I were both fighting an awful cold and didn't have much in us to celebrate.
Luke was so pumped to get Paul a basketball shirt. If you see Luke he is usually in some type of jersey or sports shirt and he thought his Dad needed one too😉
Baseball season is in full swing... Ha!  We started with the town little league parade, which is always a highlight because....CANDY!
And we have spent lots of days on the field watching our guy play. This is the first year of all kid pitching and Luke has really found his groove as a pitcher.
We got the boat out of storage and it's now at the marina. That means this warmer weather must be here to stay! We can't wait to get out on the water!
The kids and I had a blast watching my sister Emma, at her dance recital. Her Michael Jackson costume was my favorite, as was her moonwalk across stage!
Ella had her Spring Concert and let me tell you she is one talented girl! She sang in the chorus, played the violin in orchestra and had a solo part on the ukelele!!
I am so proud of her for being so involved in the arts at her school. They have a wonderful music teacher and so many kids are part of the Spring concert. Love this girl of mine!
Luke has "a girl" at school... you know, one we hear about quite often. Well apparently a new boy joined their class and he told me he felt like his "girl" was drifting to the new boy. Yes, he used the word drifting. He said all the girls in class like the new boy. When I asked him why, he said it was because he comes to school with his hair gelled and wears fancy clothes. Fancy meaning golf shirts.
He said he need to step it up... and came down for school like this the next morning.....
Now I am not sure what happened in school... if he got his girl back or not... but he came home smiling. But he was back to sports jerseys the next day😉

This dog of ours cracks me up. She loves socks, has since she was a puppy. She has never really chewed on anything but has always had a love of socks. She will go into the hamper, and stick her head in until she comes out with a sock. She just mouths them.. I think she is looking for attention! The other morning I was getting ready and looked down to see this.....
She had collected all these socks from Ella's hamper, waiting for me to notice and then I guess got bored and fell asleep! When I got downstairs, she refused to make eye contact with me or acknowledge all the socks. This is where dogs just crack me up. Like she knows she is not supposed to get them and just avoids eye contact as if she has no idea what I am talking about!
We had a really low key Mother's Day and it was just perfect for me!
This week Ella had her dance pictures and this here is my favorite of her many costumes this year.
And that wraps it up for our busy start to May! 
Still to come are the kids field days, baseball pics and field trips!
Have the best day friends.
See you tomorrow, there's always room for one more at our family table.
1 comment on "A Little Life Lately..........."
  1. I think it is so cool how much your kids love reading! Your posts always pictures of them with a book in hand. My parents raised me as a reader and I still love it to this day!


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