Happy Monday friends!!! We had a whirlwind start to May....all the activities are happening! Today I thought it would be fun to link up with the ladies at The Blended Blog for their monthly chat.
This month is all things entertainment....

This month is all things entertainment....

1. Comedy or Drama??
Growing up all we watched was comedy... but now I love me some drama. I have not found a good "funny" show that I love. So it get sucked into all the drama..
2. Fiction or Non- Fiction??
I am really a lover of stories, so I guess fiction. Although I am also fascinated by real life stories,but if I had to choose I am going with fiction.
3. Movies in Theater or at Home??
I think its a treat to go the movies in the theater, so I would pick that because it is something we don't do that often. Maybe because it is like $100 to go to the movies as a family today. So I like going as a treat, and when we put a movie in at home I ususally fall asleep watching it. Ok not usually, always. I am more likely to stay awake at the theater, however I have been caught taking a quick nap at the theater!
4. Musical or Play?
I do love a live show... and I would pick a musical. Something about the song and dance that just stays with me long after it's over.
5. Which meal of the day is your favorite to eat out?
I really enjoy cooking and would much rather cook than go out most nights. Shocking.. right? I would rather cook! But I do love a great brunch. Brunch is always such a fun variety of flavors, both sweet and savory. And I love the brunch cocktails... Bloody Marys & Mimosas!
6. Favorite Book ever read?
Wow....this is hard. I love to read and yet I don't know that I can name my all time favorite book. Is that terrible?? I read them, blog my thoughts and then usually pass them on to my girlfriends. I will tell you my most recent favorite is November 9 by Colleen Hoover. You can check out my recent book review here.
7. Game night yes or no?
I would love to have more game nights, but we just don't. Paul is not into games....he gets zero enjoyment from them and I know it pains him to play. I on the the other hand grew up in a house where games were an essential part of holiday parties. The kids and I play games in the Winter and Paul and I do play Rummikub every so often... but I would have to say no to game night.
8. Favorite outdoor game to play?
I love a good kickball game. My kiddos love it too!! Parents vs kids kickball is pretty much the best Summer night activity! It's a simple game and I feel like everybody can have fun, regardless of your athletic ability. This was one of those fun Summer nights playing in our neighborhood last Summer.

9. Favorite TV series ever?
Wow...another tough one. I mean growing up I loved the evening sitcoms...The Cosby Show, Family Ties.

Then my first favorite in adulthood was probably The Sopranos. I just loved that show. Currently I love Homeland. Is that ok? Can I have favorites from different genres of my life? I don't think I have one total favorite.
Then my first favorite in adulthood was probably The Sopranos. I just loved that show. Currently I love Homeland. Is that ok? Can I have favorites from different genres of my life? I don't think I have one total favorite.
10.Sitcoms of Today or Growing Up?
Finally, an easy question....growing up. Those ones I mentioned before....Cosby Show, Family Ties, Cheers, Seinfeld.....they were good. Just good. Nothing like that now.
11. Miniature Golf or Bowling?
I do have fun doing both, but I am going with mini golf. Mini golf to me means Summer. Bowling means trying to bide our time on those long Winter days. So for that I go mini golf!
12. Favorite Movie Theater Candy?
Raisinets. I love them and can eat the whole box.
13. How do you like your popcorn?
Buttery & Salty. And I always regret it later in the day when I have an unquenchable thirst, my tastebuds hurt from the salt and a I have a bellyache. But like most of us... I cannot stop eating it while the movie is on.
14. 3D movies with the glasses yes or no?
No... they give me a headache.
15. Favorite Genre of books to read?
My sister & I were named after Family Ties :) (She's Mallory)