Food, family, and fitness... all with a bit of style.

Friday Favorites.....Goodbye to March

I am so happy it is Friday and the last day of March! I am not a huge fan of March.... mainly because of the weather. We usually get a little taste of warmth and sunshine in the beginning of the month and then right back to cold and grey! The kids had 4 days off of school this month for bad weather....2 for severe winds and 2 snow days! But I think we are finally out of the cold, so bring on April!  
Scratch that... it was snowing here yesterday!
Let's move on!  I am linking up with  AndreaNarci, and Erika to share a few of my Friday Favorites. Just a random assortment of things that made me happy this week!

This warmer weather!! This has been a great week with warmer temps here (aside from yesterday). The kids are loving playing outside after school and again after dinner! And the warmth and sunshine definitely was a bonus on my 17 mile run this week....

This book! It is my third month in a row with a book from Beatriz Williams and I have loved every one! It took me a bit to get into it, but I was flying through the last 200 pages. I could not wait to find out what happened to Violet Grant! I shared my March Book Review yesterday. If you missed it, you can catch up here.
Wednesday dates with my guy! E & L have religion class for an hour on Wednesday night and we take advantage of that time for ourselves. Last week we ran a few miles though the village and this week we grabbed coffee and read our books. It's a nice, quiet break mid week.
Paul reads books on his phone... I prefer a book in my hands!
Show & Tell Tuesday was so fun this week. The topic was sharing your 5 favorite pictures. I struggled to narrow it down, so I shared 10. And of course I have remembered so many more favorites over the past few days.  This was my #2 favorite.... a beautiful rainbow, arched perfectly over our house 😊
So excited for our weekend! The kids have a Spring Fling at school tonight. I am volunteering at one of the stations, so E & L are extra excited that they can enjoy some of the time with just their friends, while I am helping out.  And this is "the year of 40" for me and a bunch of friends. So Saturday we are off to help one of my friends since kindergarten celebrate 40! We have an afternoon of stopping for appetizers at a bunch of spots in the city. I don't know about you, but I can always make a meal out of apps... I love appetizers! **Bonus...we have a driver.... everyone can relax and have fun!
Then we finish up our weekend with Luke's Lego party!
He is so pumped to have his friends over. The weather looks great too, so I am sure they will be able to get out and play some basketball too!
I hope you all have had a great week! Enjoy your weekend!
See you on Monday with our weekly meal planning post....there's always room for one more at our family table.
1 comment on "Friday Favorites.....Goodbye to March"
  1. Hope you're having a good weekend and enjoying that weather!!


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