Food, family, and fitness... all with a bit of style.

Weekend Wrap Up....Spring Forward Edition

Well we did our part of springing where is Spring??? No school for my kiddos yesterday because of a snowstorm!
Kicked off our weekend celebrating Maddie's 2nd birthday! She got her haircut, put on her birthday hat and enjoyed her treat with extra peanut butter!!
The kids got their haircut too. Ella loves getting her hair washed... I mean who doesn't?? She also loves that Katie (our #1 hair girl) takes the time to give Ella some fun curls when she's done. And Luke loves a little hair gel... "make it spiky" is his request!
Saturday was 15 degrees!!!  It was too cold to play outside so we headed to Get Air, a local indoor trampoline park. Perfect way to spend the morning....

After jumping we grabbed lunch at P.F.Chang's. Funny story there...there was a table next to us (that had already eaten & left) with a plate of leftover lettuce wraps. Paul was drooling over them, saying they looked so good and he was going to grab them. Seconds later, a server came over with a plate of lettuce wraps, saying the kitchen made a mistake and did we want them "on the house". #goodkarma
We walked around the mall for a bit... Ella was on the hunt for teal Converse high tops. We didn't have any luck for her, but somehow Luke came home with 3 pair of shoes! And you can't make a trip to the mall without a stop to the cookie shop!
Sunday brought the scheduled 14 mile training run and I reluctantly jumped on the treadmill. Yes...a long run on the hamster wheel! Ugh! But at 14 degrees I just could not do it outside. I did not get to 14...I stayed on there for an hour and a half and just couldn't do any more. I just don't like the treadmill. I did get through 2 episodes of This is Us and am almost caught up! However not a good choice for working out....I was sobbing as I ran!
Ended our weekend at my parents for an early St Patrick's Day dinner...corned beef & cabbage. One of my favorites!!!  Then it was early to bed as we recovered from Daylight Savings Time!
Looking forward to lots of shenanigans from our leprechaun on Friday morning.....
See you soon....there's always room for one more at our family table.

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