Food, family, and fitness... all with a bit of style.

Weekend Wrap Up....Is Spring Finally Here??

So I don't want to jinx anything, but this weekend finally felt like Spring has made it's way here. Kids were in shorts..... writing with sidewalk chalk.....exploring the back woods......and I think all the snow piles have officially melted! YAY!! I saw this picture and laughed out loud!
This is so true! 
We had a great weekend filled with friends, family and lots of basketball!
Friday night Paul & I went to dinner with friends and then off to watch some basketball games. E & L were happy to hang out with their sitter Mia. It was a beautiful night and they spent lots of time outside!
Saturday I was up and out grocery shopping ear;y while everyone slept. I love getting that out of the way early! We had an exciting morning of cleaning and Paul declared it Spring. He put away the snowblower, skis and hosed down the garage floor!
My brother and his family came in to celebrate Luke and his son Nicholas' birthdays. We went with my parents and sister to a Hibachi style restaurant. I haven't been in a while & I forgot how entertaining it was!
Between eating noodles with chopsticks....
Catching flying broccoli.....
Water from a squirt bottle.... 
And a drum to play Happy Birthday.....
We all had a great time and laughed so much! 
We came back and had cake for the boys.
Watched more basketball.....
and played some basketball!
Such a fun night with family!
Sunday turned out to be a beautiful day. The kids played outside from 10am until they came in for dinner at 5! I love days like that!
I was in and out, playing with the kids & the dog. I snuck in time to put out a few Easter touches....
Chopped lots of goodness for the week.....
And made a yummy Spring dinner!  
You can grab the recipe for that one here.
A full weekend filled with some of my favorite things!
See you tomorrow for Show & Tell Tuesday. Sharing some of my favorite pictures! Hope you stop by....there's always room for one more at our family table.

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