Food, family, and fitness... all with a bit of style.

Show & Tell Tuesday....Favorite Pictures

Happy Tuesday friends!! I shared our weekend wrap up last night. A fun weekend celebrating Luke's birthday Hibachi style and loving the warmer Spring weather! You can catch up here if you missed it! So excited to link up with Andrea over at Momfessionals for Show & Tell Tuesday.

This week's topic is sharing my 5 most favorite pictures.... with an option for 10 :)
I of course went with 10 and even that was hard to narrow down to just 10! I have so many favorites, but I managed to pull together this list of ten.  I love taking lots of pictures, but I am terrible at organizing them. Someday I'll get a good system down... and if you have an efficient way please share!
 A few things about my list......
I decided to do it as a countdown, with  number one being my favorite.
These pictures are not only my favorites because they are a great picture, but in most cases because I love the story or the meaning behind the picture.
Here we go......
This was taken at the beach in Florida and I just love how Luke is leaning on her. It makes me hope that they will be this close for their entire lives!
This was Ella on the first day of fist grade. She loved "fashion" and was so excited to pick out her first day of school outfit. I will always remember her picking out accessories, skinny jeans and just walking out the door with such a confidence about her. Something that was not there just a year prior when she started kindergarten.  She was just beaming to start that school year!
I mean this pic is just everything! We gave Luke clubs for his third birthday and between the boots, the way he is holding the club and his staring at the ball....I just love this shot! And I am convinced this is the shot they will show on tv someday when he accepts the green jacket 😉
This was one of Maddie's first boat rides as a puppy. She loved watching the water behind the boat and I  always wondered what she was thinking!
This one! I was trying to get a pic in their holiday outfits and Luke leaned in for a smooch! Between her wispy hair, his cheeks, and their faces... it's these moments I wish I could freeze!
This is a recent picture and I love it for a few reasons. First, we just happened to be at the perfect spot, at the perfect time to capture the sun setting. Second, it was the last night of a really great vacation! And last, because I love this stage of life right now. The kids are at fun ages... they love to do fun stuff with us.. and they still think Paul & I are pretty cool!
This is Ella & Luke with both of their grandparents.  For a few years, we took both of our parents on vacation with us to Lake George. I love that the kids got to spend a week vacation with both of our parents... under the same roof! Such great memories!
I love this picture so much! I grew up vacationing at Lake George and had such great memories there. We rented a house there and I was so excited to show the kids and Paul the town and all the things we did as a family growing up. We had so much fun, we did it for the next 5 years. Every year we took our family pic in the same spot. Our kids still talk about our time there, so I am sure we will go back again!
I took this picture of our house a few years ago. We were watching a double rainbow in the backyard and I went around to look at it from the front. It just perfectly arched over our house! It is just such a magical picture to me.
The kids have grown up on the boat. They have been boating since they were just a few months old and we have so many "firsts" and memories on the boat. I love boating in the late Summer.... stealing a few more late nights as Summer winds down. This one I took in late August. They were on the bow of the boat laughing about something and the gleam in the water was just "picture perfect". I guess this is my favorite picture, because it sums up my favorite things... Ella & Luke, laughter, summer and a little glimmer!

And that's a wrap! See you tomorrow for What's Up Wednesday..... a little peek at what's up lately. And Thursday I will be sharing my March Book Review. Hope to see you soon.....there's always room for one more at our family table.

2 comments on "Show & Tell Tuesday....Favorite Pictures"
  1. These are all so great! Love the one of Maddie on the boat. And that rainbow photo is fantastic! It doesn't even look real! So cool!

    1. Thanks Laura! I know..the rainbow one still blows my mind when I look at it!


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