Food, family, and fitness... all with a bit of style.

Weekend Wrap Up....March comes in like a lion!

That whole in like a lion, out like a lamb thing...this first weekend of March was definitely more lion than lamb! Oh my gosh this weekend was FREEZING! I mean so cold! Spring can come today...thanks!
This was my view Friday afternoon!

Friday night was a perfectly lazy night! Everybody was tired coming out of the first week back from vacation. Kids settled in for a movie and I got caught up around the house. Finally unpacked my suitcase. I was secretly hoping Paul was surprising me to take me somewhere warm again, so I left my bag packed for an extra week.

Saturday Paul & I ran the Shamrock Run with some friends. It's always a fun race and an even better after party.
The downside was it was 16 degrees when we took the start line.... thank goodness it was not windy and the sun was shining! The race goes through the old Irish neighborhoods.... and there are local bars handing out beers as you run though the streets! This sign cracked me up as we ran by....
We had a blast and enjoyed the post race refreshments!!
Local friends...if you have not been to Ballyhoo for their housemade sausage, you need to get there! 
So good!!
Sunday was grocery shopping, meal prep and just laying low! Ella went with her friend to watch her Irish Dance and her younger siblings hung out with Luke and I. Luke loved having a little guy at the house and was super sweet showing him stuff!
They all  stayed for dinner and the kids had fun hanging with their friends on a Sunday night! It was a nice feeling as the day seemed to stay lighter longer and they could play outside after dinner. I guess maybe Spring is coming!
See on Friday for Friday Favorites...there's always room for one more at our family table.
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