Food, family, and fitness... all with a bit of style.

Five Meals for Your Family Table..... Week 12

Oh hey Monday!! This weekend finally felt like Spring here... warmer temps and a bit of rain. Sharing some great Spring recipes this week, with an easy frittata and a fresh scallop pasta dish. Grab your pencil, write your grocery list and this week's meals are covered.
I love salmon and am happy my family does too! This dish is so simple and fresh...perfect for a busy weeknight! If your crew is not a fan of salmon, you can easily sub in a different fish! You can get the recipe here.
Maple Weekend was celebrated here in New York the past two weekends and it inspired me tomake my Maple Glazed Chicken. This is one of my favorites in the fall, but can be just as delicious in the Spring too! For the glaze, whisk together 1/4 cup  EVOO, 1/4 cup pure maple syrup, 1 TBSP whole grain mustard and the zest & juice of half an orange. Brush it on one pound of boneless chicken breasts and bake at 400 for 20-25 minutes, or until the chicken is cooked through. I have it here with some maple glazed squash, but you can do pair it with any vegetable you want!
I am squeezing out one more crockpot meal, before I pretty much grill everyday from now until November! Ha! This pork cooks all day...and as a bonus, we can usually get dinner for two nights with this one! We will do sliders one night and serve over rice the next night. I have also topped a spinach salad with pulled pork... it's delicious!
Thinly slice a large onion and lay it in the Crockpot. Place about 3 pounds of pork shoulder on top and sprinkle with salt & pepper. In a bowl, mix 3 TBSP brown sugar, 2 TBSP Worcestershire sauce, 3 TBSP yellow mustard, 2 cloves of chopped garlic, 1/2 cup vinegar, 1 cup chicken stock and pour over the pork. Cook on low for 6-8 hours. Take out the pork, shred it, and dump the liquid, reserving 1 cup. Put the pork back into the Crockpot with 1/2 cup of your favorite BBQ sauce and some of the reserved liquid. Cook on low for another 30 minutes.
This frittata is easy and a great way to empty out the fridge. You can use any veggies, meat or cheese you want! Take 10 eggs, 1/2 cup milk, 1/2 tsp salt, 1/2 tsp pepper gently whisk together and set aside. Using a large, oven safe fry pan heat a few TBSP of EVOO and saute a few cups of chopped vegetables. I used onion, peppers, and broccoli. Saute until softened. Add your meat (precooked) and 1/2 cup shredded cheese to your egg mixture and pour over the veggies. I added ham in this one, and I did not add cheese.  Do not stir, and cook over medium-high heat for 2 minutes. Transfer to the oven and cook at 375 for 12-15 minutes, until the eggs are set. You can slide it onto a cutting board to slice.
So I mentioned how this weekend had me feeling Spring like and for me that means fresh, simple meals. This Lemon & Asparagus Pasta with Scallops is just perfect for Spring. You can also use shrimp if you don't like scallops. Grab the recipe's some of my favorite flavors of Spring in one bite! 
A few tips to make your meals easier this week....
Chop your veggies. I cut up my asparagus and put it with the lemon.
The broccoli is for our pulled pork night.
Chop the veggies you want to use in your frittata and have them bagged together. Makes is easy to just dump in the pan.
I chop those same veggies every week....peppers, cucumbers and carrots. That way I just toss a mix in a baggie and they are the best car snacks. And they are so easy for the kids to grab for their lunch or an after school snack.
Be sure to stop by tomorrow for Show & Tell Tuesday...... I am sharing 10 of my most favorite pictures. Hope to see you then....there's always room for one more at our family table.

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