Food, family, and fitness... all with a bit of style.

Friday Favorites....Spring Where are You??

Another week down! And this weekend is going to be soooo cold the 20's.....and we lose an hour of sleep... and my training plan calls for a 14 mile run!  But I did see this little sign of Spring today! Yay!
14 miles... my girlfriend and I were cracking up about this distance....we have never run that far.....ever! We have done a bunch of half marathons and we STOP at the finish....13.1 and done! So wish me luck with this 14!
Now onto Friday Favorites! I am linking up with  AndreaNarci, and Erika to share a few of my favorites from this week.

So much fun recapping some of my favorite kids parties for Show & Tell Tuesday. Loved the link up and reading so many other fun party ideas! If you missed it, catch up here.
This picture popped up in my memories....oh my goodness! I will never forget this bath. We put them in our jacuzzi tub and Paul poured in all sorts of bubbles and turned on the jets!
There were bubbles everywhere!  It took forever to get the bubbles out of the tub and we had to rinse the kids off in the shower!
A trip to the dentist with E&L. I am lucky to have two kids that love the dentist! Maybe its the TV screen on the ceiling to watch during the cleaning......or the remote control massage chair in the waiting room.....or the cookie dough flavored toothpaste....whatever it is...they love going! The hygenist reminded them to floss and I found this note on Ella's mirror....
Don't we all need a little flossing reminder!
Some new creations in the kitchen! I was experimenting with some new recipes in the kitchen this week and can't wait to share! Made a few twists on some traditional comfort food to make them a little better for you. We had a shepherds pie and subbed cauliflower for the potatoes and then had spaghetti pie with spaghetti squash in place of the noodles. Both were winners! I will be sharing the recipes to the blog soon. If you missed this week's meal planning, you can check it out here.
A little girls night with my girl! Ella has been reading Hidden Figures with her class and has been asking to see the movie. I have been waiting until they were done with the book to take her... I like to read the book before seeing the movie. Since the kids were off from school on Friday, we went with my girlfriend and her daughter last night.
What a great movie... such an inspiring story line! If you have not seen it, I highly recommend you do. It was an amazing story and our girls just loved it! It was one of the best movies I have ever seen!
We are celebrating our Maddie's 2nd birthday tonight.... with a special peanut butter treat of course! The kids are so excited! Have a great weekend friends! See you on Monday with 5 meals for your family table!
7 comments on "Friday Favorites....Spring Where are You??"
  1. Ah you are amazing to run 14 miles, good luck! What a cute little flossing reminder..can I get a dentist with massage chairs?!

  2. Oh my goodness! Good luck with your 14 miles!!

  3. Good luck with your run this weekend! And yessss massage chairs at the dentist are the best!

  4. I just love the photo of the bubble bath. Salt would have killed the bubbles a bit faster but not sure it would have been good for the Jacuzzi.

    I myself can not wait for spring. We are a bit more away from the first signs we still have some snow.


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