Food, family, and fitness... all with a bit of style.

A Little Fun in the Sun.... Part 1

Happy Wednesday friends!!! Gosh I am happy to be halfway through this week... always a crazy week coming back from vacation! We were lucky enough to get away for some sunshine last week while the kids were on winter break! We loaded up the car and headed out for another adventure!
Now a few years ago we decided to drive to Florida....and a lot of people thought we were crazy!  We made this decision for a couple reasons. The first was that I waited too long to book flights and when I went to book the prices were just crazy! Second, the weather in the Northeast in February is pretty unpredictable....meaning flights can be cancelled or delayed pretty often. For me, being stuck in an airport is not fun. And our last reason is driving gives us the opportunity to see something new. We visit Paul's parents every year, and see the same stuff. So we decided to stop and see a new town each year on our way home! This year we ventured off to Hilton Head Island and I'll share more on that part tomorrow.
We  left our house very early in the morning and drove straight through!! We stopped for a few treats along the way for my easy going travelers! I am lucky to have two pretty easy going kids for road trips. Now we had our fair share of "Don't make me pull this car over" moments... but overall they are good travelers. They see it as an adventure and find sleeping in the car the most fun and craziest thing ever! Later this month I'll share some of my tips for road tripping with kids!
 They were so excited to see the Florida Welcome Center!!
We stopped for a break, brushed our teeth and settled in for the home stretch! We got in around 2 in the morning, unloaded a few bags and went straight to bed!
Our first day was a beautiful one! Paul and I were up before everyone else and went for a run around the golf course. It felt so good to stretch the legs after 20+ hours in the car.
And then we were off to the pool!
We spent a lot of time at the pool!  E&L are waterbugs!!
That night we had  dinner at Shrimper's.... one of our favorite spots....for my favorite sandwich... a grouper reuben. And it was so good!!
Sunday was a bit overcast in the morning, so we played some games. A little tennis.....
And the kids love Grandma's Mahjong tile game!
We spent the next day at the beach.
Ella really wants to play volleyball in middle school and was excited to play some beach volleyball. We had a fun game of boys vs girls!
Luke is a water guy and happy to jump the waves and  catch a ball!
Then off to lunch at Shucker's....another favorite spot right on the beach!
Tuesday we set off on an adventure. We wanted to take an airboat ride to see some alligators. There were many advertised both online and in the local paper, so we had a few to choose from. We settled on a company that offered a half hour ride (didn't think we needed a full hour). I called to make a reservation and she said she would "text me the directions". I found it odd that the directions were not on a website.....
So she sends me random "turn at the brown boat sign", park in lot and look for Captain Brian. Cash only. As we were driving out there, Paul and I were wondering what we were in for, but assured ourselves that because they advertised in the paper they had to be legit. Our reasoning was that if it was a shady place they wouldn't advertise. #dontquestionourlogic
Turns our there were numerous companies docked when we got there and lots of people taking tours so we felt better!
The kids loved wearing the earphones and headsets. You could talk into them and everyone could hear you!
We had a great captain who was determined to show us some gators... and he sure did!
He was very informative of all the wildlife around as well as the trees and plantlife. 
We stopped for lunch after at a restaurant on the water. They run fishing charters there too and were bringing in the fresh catch of the day. Luke was in heaven watching them. They were filleting the fish and tossing the rest to some huge pelicans in the water! Can you get a fresher lunch than that???
Of course we had to stop to pick a little souvenier. The kids each had some money saved to buy something special.  Ella picked a fun charm bracelet and a cute T-shirt.
And Luke picked an alligator claw necklace and an alligator head. He has not taken the necklace off since he got it! Another note.... if you look at these pics, Luke has the same shirt on in pretty much every picture. Paul's mom gave him that shirt the first day and he LOVED it! It was his favorite color and covered in really cool fish.... he literally wore it everyday!
That pretty much sums up part one of our trip... some sun, sand and fun times with Grandma & Grandpa! Wednesday was a pretty rainy day, so we made the trek back up I-95 to Hilton Head. I'll share some of the fun we had there tomorrow. Hope to see you then....there's always room for one more at our family table.
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