Food, family, and fitness... all with a bit of style.

Friday Favorites....Hello March!

Oh Friday..... I have been waiting for you! Or should I say my suitcase has?'s true I have not unpacked my suitcase from our trip. Ella...unpacked. Luke....unpacked. Paul....unpacked. Gen....complete and utter chaos....exploded all over my bedroom. I am the worst at this. I despise unpacking my suitcase, just as much as I do packing it. I did take out all my toiletries and dirty clothes...that counts for something right?
And just as I predicted... about 75% of what I packed I did not even wear. If you missed my post about packing, you can read it here.
I am linking up with some new bloggers today for High Five for Friday! Sharing 5 favorites that made my week. Hop on over to check out these blogs too... Della, Tif, Caitlin, and Katie
Really excited to run the Shamrock Run tomorrow!! Although not really excited about the weather.... they are forecasting a high of 20 degrees???? Running with Paul and my girlfriend and her husband. It is always such a fun race.... and after party!
And yes.. I will run for beer!
A little vacation reminiscing. So much fun last week and I shared a little peek into our fun. You can catch up here and here!
 A little celebration this week for Dr Seuss's Birthday. The kids' school said they could dress wacky or as a character to celebrate. Ella went with Cindy Lou Who. We already had the tutu and those are my socks from some crazy race I did. My girlfriend sent me a tutorial on how to do "Cindy Lou Who Hair"....and we tried our best. There is a plastic cup on top of her head.....she said she didn't mind it! Luke wanted to be the Lorax. We went with an orange t shirt and I was in Target and found an easter egg decoating kit in the dollar section. It had squiggly yellow stuff that I thought I could make work. I glued it to an old pair of plastic sunglasses and popped out the lenses. So there you have it....Happy Birthday Dr Seuss!
St. Patrick's Day, Fish Frys and March Madness.....lots of my favorite things coming this month! The kids love setting traps in hopes of catching a leprechaun!
I love a good fish fry on a Friday night during the Lenten season! And I really love some good college basketball games during March Madness!!
Finally got my hands on this book! I have been wanting to read it for a few weeks and started it this week,  I am 2/3 through it and it is so good....I am sure I will be finished with it today!
Enjoy this first weekend of March!! See you on Monday with our weekly meal planning post....there's always room for one more at our family table!

2 comments on "Friday Favorites....Hello March!"
  1. I kind of love packing (it means I'm going somewhere!) but despise unpacking, too! Adorable Dr. Seuss outfits! So fun. Hope you're having a wonderful weekend!

    1. Yes...I guess that's is a sign of something fun to come! Thanks for stopping by!


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