Food, family, and fitness... all with a bit of style.

Luke's 8th Birthday.....Legos!

First I must start by saying I cannot believe my little guy is 8!!! On the one hand I miss that chubby cheek little boy, but this 8 year old has me laughing everyday!
After a bit of deliberation, Luke decided on a Lego theme party. It was such a fun theme to do! 
The bright colors looked so fun!
We had a little station with some colorful candy, because my Luke LOVES candy.  I put out some bright candy... part because he really wanted candy and part because it looked fun with all the colorful Lego stuff.
I found the yellow bags at the dollar store (3-pack) and just drew a Lego head on each one with a sharpie. The boys used the bag to take home their race car and a few treats.
Luke requested blue Gatorade. I cut one piece of yellow cardstock into strips, drew a Lego face and wrapped the bottles.
I have shared this little decorating idea before...the blue is solid wrapping paper (again dollar store) over a framed print. I used yellow cardstock to cut Lego-like pieces and form an "8".
The Lego blocks are  some shoe boxes wrapped in the same dollar store wrapping paper.
Add a few streamers and our little candy station was done!
The fan favorite was the Lego candy blocks for sure! They actually stacked together and the boys loved them!
Each boy had a green placemat (I thought it looked like the Lego board) and a mini car to build. The car came with instructions on how to build it three different ways, so they could pick which one they wanted to build. The car was also their little take home favor.
And a big thanks to my mom....she used some of my brother's Legos and made a name plate for each boy. They looked so cute!
They built their cars, each one taking on a different design. It was perfect... they were occupied for a while and I just loved listening to their conversations while I was in the kitchen!
And then we raced the cars they made....
Our ramp was the folding banquet table wrapped in a plastic table cloth.
Then cake....
and presents....
and some outdoor fun.....
After lunch and cake I had planned for another Lego game.  With teams of two, they had to carry Legos with a plastic spoon and fill up their cup. First team to fill wins! If you drop any, you have to go back. But the weather was super nice, so they opted to just play outside! 
A successful party for my Luke!
See you tomorrow for Friday Favorites......there's always room for one more at our family table.

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1 comment on "Luke's 8th Birthday.....Legos!"
  1. So cool! My oldest is turning four and he is just getting into Legos. He is asking for a lego table for his room for his birthday. Your party looks fantastic!
