Food, family, and fitness... all with a bit of style.

Weekend Wrap Up....Snow, Dance and Sunshine!

Well what a crazy couple days this weekend least when it came to the weather! We woke up on Friday morning to a blanket of snow.
I mean the trees looked really pretty, but not on April 7th!
The sun finally began to peek out Friday afternoon and things started to melt. The sky was a brilliant blue...the snow was glistening.....beautifiul....but again not on April 7th!
These poor daffodils don't know what to do!
Last weekend was crazy busy for us, so on this Saturday we had a fabulous day of nothing scheduled...
some reading....
a puzzle... which I had trouble walking away from.....
some hoops with my guy....
and a Saturday night date for Mexican food!
All in all a pretty perfect Saturday!
Sunday was a little less relaxing, but a great day! Ella had a dance competition and we needed to be there by 7:30am (in full hair and makeup) which meant for a pretty early Sunday morning wake up.
I laid out all our supplies the night before... gel, hairspray, glitter, bobbypins, lipstick, eyeliner, more we were ready to go.
My girl did such an amazing job! So proud of her and her dance friends for all the work they put into their routines this year!
While we were waiting for the awards I asked Ella if she wanted to take a walk to Starbucks (because Mama needed some coffee) and she asked if her friend could come. I said of course... and then another friend saw us going....and another... and before I knew it I had a crew of 8 dancers off to Starbucks.
I think that may have been Ella's favorite part of the day. Pretty fun to grab frappuccinos with 7 of your friends!
After dance and a quick trip to the grocery store, we were off to have some cake and celebrate my Mom's Birthday!
Another great weekend in the books... the perfect mix of busy and nothing!
Be sure to check out our other post today. Linking up with Andrea for Show & Tell Tuesday......revisiting our prom! Good times!
See you tomorrow for Workin It Wednesday.... Spring Cleaning Edition.
There's always room for one more at our family table.

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