Food, family, and fitness... all with a bit of style.

Weekend Wrap Up.....Still Summer?

Happy Wednesday friends. I hope you are having a great week. Here is a peek inside our was a warm and beautiful one here in the Northeast!
In case you missed my Friday favorites post, I shared how I felt about last week. The week won. I was wiped by Friday and the last thing I needed was a busy weekend, but somehow that's what we ended up with!
The kids and I went out to dinner on Friday....because cooking just felt like too much that night!
We stopped at Barnes & Noble after, as Luke continues his reading obsession and then a stop at Hobby Lobby for some of Ella's birthday supplies. She wants a DIY/ Fixer Upper theme. She loves Chip & Joanna! We have some super cute ideas planned to celebrate & she picked this decor.
Speaking of DIY, Saturday morning we did a little DIY project. We have this large empty wall in the kitchen and I have been wanting to fill it up.
 We sprayed an old table we had in the basement and got some super cute stools (on clearance for 75% off) at Target.
 Table turned out great, but still a work in progress. I need a little something else on the wall.
Paul is normally not one for "DIY" or anything like that so Ella thought we were so cool transforming the table. We told her we were the next Chip & Joanna.😉
 Then it was off to soccer where we watched this girl score her fist ever goal!! 
So proud.
Luke had fun checking out the turtles nearby. 
 We wrapped up soccer and took a quick trip to the boat. It was 80 degrees here and we will be huddled up indoors soon enough, so we took advantage and snuck in a few hours.
We wasted no time getting home from the lake and we changed out of bathing suits and walked across the street to a neighborhood party. A few weeks ago Ella & her friend organized a neighborhood kickball party and we had so much fun. Now another family had organized a game for Saturday night. A beautiful night, lots of kids playing, pizza, and good was a great night!
Sunday morning we were off to church in two separate cars. Luke and Paul stayed after for a meeting (Luke is making his First Holy Communion this year) and Ella and I headed home to get ready for dance.
Ella danced at a local art festival in town. She did a great job!
Luke was there for the fried dough & lemonade!
Dancing ended early so we met my brother & his family at my parents to watch the second half of the Bills game. #heartbreak
Then it was home to make dinner, finish up laundry and get ready to start another week! Whew!
Have a great Wednesday. See you tomorrow....there's always room for one more at our family table.

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