Food, family, and fitness... all with a bit of style.

Girl Chat.... Fav Fall Recipes!

So I think I am coming down with Fall fever. I love Fall (second of course to Summer) and all this stuff in the stores, the smells of Fall, the sweaters, scarves..... oh my!  Fall, I am ready for you!
I am linking up for Girl Chat to talk favorite Fall recipes.
Well I don't think we can talk Fall recipes without sharing some apple recipes. I take my crew apple picking each year (we are planning to go next weekend) and make all kinds of goodness with the apples we pick!
These pork and apple kabobs are so good and make a great early Fall dinner.
I shared some of my favorite apple recipes  here
Not sure about you, but pork just feels like a Fall dinner to me. My other favorite pork recipe is this walnut crusted pork. Such amazing flavors and I love it with the Hasselback sweet potatoes. You can grab the recipe  here
Sometimes the perfect Fall treat is an apple....with a twist. You can check out some of my favorite apple snacks  here
And for those of you that need a break from pumpkins and apples, Fall puts me in the baking mood. These Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough cupcakes are the most requested from everyone I know!
Cookie Dough + Cupcakes=Enough said😉
Be sure to stop by these blogs and check out some more great fall recipes!
See you tomorrow for Friday Favs! There's always room for one more at our family table.
5 comments on "Girl Chat.... Fav Fall Recipes!"
  1. Oh my goodness those chocolate chip cookie dough cupcakes look and sound AMAZING!!!

  2. Apple picking is one of our favorite things to do too! Oh my goodness I bet those apple and pork kabobs are so good! Beautifully Candid

  3. Oh those apple treats look delicious!!! Like a deconstructed caramel apple!

  4. I love mixing pork and apples together. I can't wait to make everything with apples this Fall.


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