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September Book Review

Yay it's book review day! I was three for three this month! I loved all three books! Love when that happens. I am linking up with Narci over at  Grace and Love Blog  for her monthly book review link up. Be sure to check out her  blog for all her picks too!!
Well I skipped a month of Elin Hildebrand and felt like something was missing. So this month I grabbed The Rumor and I loved it.
 I have really loved every book of hers that I have read, but this one is probably in my top 3. It was such a good story of two couples that are friends with different challenges in their lives. They are intertwined in so many ways that cause rumors to fly across Nantucket. I just love how she develops the characters and she even cross referenced the characters from another one of her books (Castaways). That gives me all the feels when that happens. 
Now this author is new to me, Alice Hoffman. This is the first book I have read from her and I assure you it will not be my last.
This book was so good.....I mean it will probably be in my top 10 of the year good. It is the story of two high school girls, Helene & Shelby. They are in a terrible car accident and Helene is left comatose. Shelby struggles to accept the guilt of driving that night. As a result she is always seeing bad in the world. However she has a guardian angel looking out for her that sends her postcards to keep her encouraged. She begins to find herself again throughout the book & the ending really surprised me.
I used to read quite a bit from Jodi Picoult and then I didn't. I found her again a few months ago when I read Leaving Time.
I grabbed Small Great Things and wow.....just wow. This was a very powerful book. 
For me it's a book that will stay with me long after I have read it. It's the story of Ruth, an African American nurse working in Labor & Delivery. There is a white supremacist couple that delivers a baby and refuses to allow Ruth to care for their child. When a tragic accident strikes, blame is placed on Ruth. The story is about how Ruth moves through the trial, but more importantly how race still plays a role in America today. While we have come so far, there is still so much father to go. I highly recommend you read this book, and especially the afterwords from the author. She talks about how she has wanted to write on this topic but was torn on how fans would react. I really connected with the author on her raw emotion of writing this book. 
If you missed any of our other reviews, you can catch up here.

My Dad gave me these two books, so they are on the docket for my October reads!
Have a great day and we will see you tomorrow for Friday Favorites. There's always room for one more at our family table!
2 comments on "September Book Review"
  1. I am so excited for the newest Elin Hildebrand Christmas book! I love that series! It's my favorite!

  2. Kasey that is on my list for December... I have not read any in the series yet! I cannot wait!


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