A fun monthly post where we answer these questions....
What we're eating this week......
We are bringing in some of our favorite fall dinners this week....like this Hummus Crusted Chicken
You can grab our weekly menu here.
What I'm reminiscing about......
Our vacation last month.. While the weather was not what we had hoped, we had a fun time with family, lots of time to relax, read a few great books and celebrated 17 years with this guy!
What I'm loving.....
Um...it has been 80 degrees more days than not here this month. And after less than stellar Summer weather in June, July & August.... I am loving getting in some more Summer fun in September!
What we've been up to......
Trying to find our back to school groove. My kiddos are finishing up their third full week of school and I think, just maybe we have it figured out. Or not... this was Ella last week. She wore a new camil with the tags on all day! Ha!
Luckily she had a shirt on over it. We just laughed when she got home....it kind of sums up how I felt this month. Looking like I had it together...but not really.
This month just seemed kind of nutty....like I struggled to figure out who had to be where and when!
What I'm dreading......
My little guy has to have a procedure done next week. He is ok, but I still worry when we he has to undergo anesthesia. He is a trooper though.... and I know he will be A-ok! This was him 4 years ago before he got his tonsils out.
Not too much.... just trying to figure out our new routine with the new school year.
What I'm excited about......
So excited to celebrate Ella's birthday with her sweet friends on Saturday. She is all about DIY projects and Fixer Upper, so that is our theme! I still cannot believe my little girl is 10 today!
Last year we celebrated Hollywood Style....
And the year before we had a Paris Art Party....
What I'm watching/reading.....
I read three great books this month & I will share them in my book review tomorrow. But this one was my favorite for sure.
And we can't not mention that This is Us came back last night. I bought more tissues and am hoping this season does not disappoint. Last season was just oh so good.
Hearing about everyone's school day. My two have been extra chatty about all their school happenings and I just love it.
I am not sure if they don't have much down time in the school day....but they come home talking and don't stop until bedtime!
What I'm wearing......
Well this weather has me a bit confused. I am ready for fall stuff, but it's been really warm. So I would say I am wearing transitional outfits. I did a little post about how I transition my wardrobe from Summer to Fall. If you missed it, you can catch up here.
What I'm doing this weekend......
We have a fun weekend ahead! The kids have their school walkathon on Friday, and then Saturday we walk again! Buffalo is hosting the Down Sydrome walk, so we will be there walking with my family. Then we will celebrate Ella's 10th birthday that night. And if were have any energy left....we are heading to the pumpkin patch!
What else is new.....
We celebrated our One Year Blogaversary on Friday.
We celebrated our One Year Blogaversary on Friday.
Hard to believe I have been writing this little blog for one year already. Stop over to read about our first year and be sure to enter our giveaway!
We have been loving these warm September nights for playing outside.
And the kids said "Peace Out" to Summer 2017.
We started adding a little bit of Halloween around the house....
The kids have been celebrating Spirit Week at school. This pic was from "Dress like your favorite person day". Ella channeled her inner Joanna Gaines & Luke was Lesean McCoy from the Bills.
Bonus question.... What TV show are you most excited about this Fall?
Well I guess I kind of answered that one above! Hands down it is This is Us. I just fell in love with the show in season 1 and cannot wait to see what the second season will bring. I love Randall and will be rooting for him!
And I will also be tuning in on Thursday to catch the return of Will & Grace! Because after going through all the feels watching This is Us, I will be ready for some entertainment from Karen & Jack!
Now onto the most exciting part of this Wednesday.....today we celebrate Ella's 10th birthday.
I cannot believe it has been 10 years since this little girl made me a Mama. She has the sweetest heart and so much ambition.... I cannot wait to see what she does in this world.
So in honor of her 10th birthday, here are 10 little tidbits about our Ella.
1. She was born in New Jersey and she absolutely loves to tell people that.
2. She is a lefty. The only one in our family. She loves to tell people that too.😉
3. She loves to dance. I mean LOVES all things dance.
4. And she dances all day long. From the minute she gets up, to the minute she goes to bed, she is moving.
5. She loves home decor and DIY. Her birthday wishlist includes room decor, lamps, and decorative toss pillows. She changes out her room decor each season. #girlaftermyownheart
6. She has beautiful blue eyes & people have commented on them since she was a baby. We still hear comments all the time about her eyes. She is the only blue eyed family member....and she loves to tell people that too.
7. She has a fun sense of humor and loves to laugh....she gets that from her dad.
8. She loves all things organization...planners, post-its & lists....she gets that from me.
9. She has the biggest and sweetest heart. For this, I am most proud of her. She often tells me of times she helps someone that is having a tough day in school, or offering to be a partner to someone who may be struggling. And her relationship with my sister Emma... well that is simply perfect.
10. She still calls me Mama....and I love that...as I will forever be her Mama.
Happy 10th Birthday Ella! May all your wishes come true.
Enjoy the last few days of September friends!
Be sure to stop by tomorrow to check out our latest book review. There's always room for one more at our family table.
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